A Princess

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"Now, the story I am telling you today,  Angelica, my little angel, has a good guy, and a bad one." 

I nodded silently, "Ya!" 

"There was once a princess, who was locked away in a tour by a evil government whom had captured her.  She was beatiful, black hair braided down to her knees, big blue eyes, fair skin, without a flaw.  She was always moddest, too.  Now, there was another princess, who was always peering into the captured girls room.  This girl was only six or seven, very innocent.  The girl's name was Rebecca the Third, who was the oldest heir to the throne.  She would peer in, with those brown eyes, and watch the princess.  Now, Rebecca was a young, but easily swayed girl.  Expescially by her evil father.  She was told at an older age, about fifteen, to go in and throw a rock at the girl.  Rebecca did as told, anything for her father. A week later, she was told to do this again.  And again the next day, and again and again, with larger and larger rocks until the final day.  The rock was too big, and the aim was bad, and it knocked the trapped princess on top of the head.  The trapped princess was knocked unconcious to sleep for enternity until a true love's kiss woke her up.  Now, Rebecca, feeling guilt, found the trapped princess's father, behind  her back.  And her father uprised a war between the two kingdoms.  When her father finally reached the tower, he was sworded with a silver blade belonging to Rebecca's father.  With a last dying breath, the man kissed his daughter's forehead, whispering a goodbye, before he was dead.  Now Rebecca, she was trained at archery, and she saw the terrible thing her father had done.  She took her bow, and just when her father was going to terribly kill the young trapped princess, Rebecca took her bow and shot it, killing her own father.  The trapped princess's kingdom eventually won the war, but Rebecca was never saw again.  No one knows what happened to the poor girl." 

That story flashed back into my mind, and I wondered what happened to the evil king's daughter.  When I was little, I always dreamed of finding her and being best friends with the trapped princess.  It was my own little fairy tale while my life was hell, I guess.

Pierce (Sequel to Lacy Hyde)Where stories live. Discover now