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As i left the room , i looked for the boys room. Which was right across from Dawn's room. I walked into the room without knocking thinking everyone was still downstairs, but boy was i wrong.

A bit more :)


Nicky was in the room ..........



"Ahhhh , shit sorry . Dawn said that there was a bathroom in here , I didn't expect anyone to be in  here . Sorry." I said covering my eyes.

"Its ok . And yes there is a bathroom . Just there." He said pointing to the door.

"Uh ok."

I started walking while still covering my eyes.

"You can uncover your eyes, I'm dressed." He laughed at me .

" yh ok." I said uncovering my eyes.

AHA! THERE THE BATHROOM. I walked in and locked the door. Finally. Peace and quiet.

Then , the boys walked back into their room. GrEaT.

"What do you think of y/n ricky?"

"I mean , their smart , pretty , amazing at cooking..."

"Bro ricky I asked 'what do you think of y/n' not 'what do you love about them' ." Dicky laughed.

Shit shit shit not nowwwwww.

"Whatever. Nicky what do you think of them?" Ricky asked Nicky.

I really didnt want to be nosy but i mean....

"Their a great cook. Honestly i rather their cooking than mum's or mine."

He likes my cooking.......

"Oooooooo ricky and Nicky like the same person." Dicky chanted.

"No i just like their cooking . And plus we only are getting to know them." Nicky explained.

He knows im here .

"What about you Dicky?" Ricky asked .

"Same thing as both of you . But , i dont like like them." He said.

Ok , now i need to leave .

I unlock the door and walk out .

"Uhhhh , y/n did you just hear all that?"  Ricky asked .


"When did you get there?" Dicky asked referring to the bathroom.

"They got there right after i changed." Nicky explained.

"Why didnt you tell us?" Dicky and ricky said in sync.

"I dont know . Must have slipped out of my mind." He chuckled.

"Wellll , imma go to Dawn now." I said then speed walked to dawns' room.

"There you are . What took you so long?" She asked.

"I walked in on Nicky changing by accident, then the boys where talking about me , then when i was leaving , they asked questions."

"Ok , makes sense." She said.

I sighed.

"Wait, what ?! You walked in on Nicky changing ? Ew."

"Yeah." I laughed at how disgusting she was .

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