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~y/n's pov~
I woke up in the crack of dawn . Huddled up with something.

The something is NICKY.

'Shit shit shit'

"Finally awake i see?" Nicky asked .

"How long have you been up for?" I asked .

"Maybe a hour or so." He said.

"Im sorry." I said standing up.

"Do not worry y/n , its ok."

As i thought everything was going smoothly .

"HEY LOVE BIRDS BREAKFAST!" I heard mae shout .

"Mae , calm down , and what r u even on about ?"

Rubbing my eyes , she explained the picture.

"I must have fell asleep and so did he , its just a coincidence."

"Nooo it isnttttttttt." Mae sang.

"What is noise?" Nicky came downstairs clearly woken up by our shenanigans .

A/n- yes ik this is a short chapter, and that i ahvent updated in a while , but i have been rlly busy and in a low key bad place . Luv youse :)

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