Chapter 1 ( Izuku )

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How it all started

3rd person p.o.v
*In Seoul South Korea
( their talking in Korean of course )
?? - he's a very beautiful baby head full of green hair what have you decided to name him
Inko - ( smiles ) Izuku Midoriya
Izuku - ( smiles )
?? - I'll give you some time with your baby
Inko - okay thank you

The nurse left out the room and closed the door
Inko - ( smiles ) hey there izu your so cute got every feature from me
Izuku - ( smiling )
Inko - welcome to the world of living my izu

She talked to Izuku until the nurse came back and took him to get him checked out and everything

*A few years later
Izukus p.o.v
Me and my mom were moving from South Korea next week I don't wanna leave I love it here
Inko - Izuku sweetie come here
Inko - coming mommy

I came downstairs and she was in the kitchen and I went in there
Inko - your 5 already talking in perfect sentences
Izuku - of course mommy I'm awesome ( laughs )
Inko - ( smiles ) come here

I went to her and she hugged me and sat me in her lap
Inko - you can talk in perfect sentences but not write well so let's practice
Izuku - okay mommy mommy where are we moving to
Inko - Tokyo Japan
Izuku - ( smiles big ) really it's so pretttyyyyy
Inko - I know and you can decorate your room however you like
Izuku - ( giggling )
Inko - your gonna have to learn English and Japanese do you think your up for it
Izuku - I love a good challenge
Inko - well let's get started then
Izuku - ( smiles ) okay mommy

We worked on my writing and a little bit of English and then I went to bed since I had school.

* The next day
Izukus p.o.v
My mom woke me up and I brushed my teeth and put my uniform on I came downstairs and she gave me breakfast
Izuku - thank you mommy
Inko - your welcome baby

I ate my breakfast and we got in the car and she drive me to school
Izuku - see you later mommy
Inko - see you later baby

I walked in the school
"Heyyy zuuu"
Izuku - hellooo

Idk why but everybody was like can we be friends I said sure but I'm more closer to three people Alex Uyna and River river is a girl but she's more tomboyish but I got to class
Izuku - heeyy guyss
"Heyyy zuuu"
River - heyy zu when are you gonna see what your quirk is
Izuku - after school ou do you guys wanna come to my house this weekend
River - yeah I'll ask my mom
Uyna - me tooo
Alex - sure
Izuku - Alex stop being so nonchalant all the time ou if I kiss you will you be more free
Uyna&river s ouuu he's blushinnggggg"
Alex - what n-no don't k-

I bent to his face and kissed him
Izuku - ( smiles ) Now be freeeeee
Alex - s-shut up and stop embarrassing me
Uyna - cutie pies
Izuku - lex wanna be my boyfriend
Izuku - yes or no lex
Alex - ( whole face red ) w-what i-i u-uhm no
Izuku - man your hunting my feelings
Alex - i-I don't like boys tho
Izuku - then that's all you hadda say do do brains
Alex - w-wait your okay with that
Izuku - why would I force you to do something you don't wanna do that's dumb you've known me since preschool you should know better then that
Uyna&river - tell him again
Alex - okay are we still friends
Izuku - yeaaahhhh ( giggles )
Alex - ( smiles with teeth showing )
We played around for the rest of the day and it was time to go
Izuku - mommy can my friends come this weekend
Inko - sure if they parents say they can
Izuku - guysss my mom said you can come
Alex - my mom said she doesn't mind as long as there's adult supervision
Izuku - well my moms gonna be there
Alex - okaayy see you tomorrow
Uyna&river - byyeeee

I went and got back in the car with my mom
Izuku - mommy I have to tell you a lot
Inko - ( smiles ) okay how's your day go
Izuku - so I got to school and those people told me hey we're not really friends because I don't know them for real but I got to class and I said hey to Alex Uyna and river and then we did class and we went to go play outside and I asked Alex to be my boyfriend and he said no
Inko - why's that
Izuku - him don't like boys
Inko - well not everybody is gay sweetheart there's someone out that's for you and when you get with them treat them like their the world and don't let nobody hurt them be protective and love that person okay
Izuku - ( giggles ) okay mommyyy
Inko - cmon let's see if you have a quirk
Izuku - okaayyy

We went to then doctors and she signed in
Inko - are you ready
Izuku - yeah mommy what if I don't have one is that bad
Inko - in society in this day and age people who don't have quirks are considered weak and useless but nobody will never know if you don't show it but sometimes things happen and they'll find out but your a strong child
Izuku - okay mommy

We sat there talking for a minute

Inko - cmon

She held me in her arms and we went to the back
Nick - hello I'm the doctor today im nick nice to meet you
Inko - You too
Nick - hey Izuku how are you
Izuku - Hey doctor nick I'm fine you
Nick - I'm great .... your able to talk in full sentences that's amazing to be a five year old
Izuku - ( smiling )

( nicks thoughts - I feel like he's gonna be a big person in this world )

Nick - I have your results .......
Izuku - that moment of silence is weird like you have bad news or something
Nick - ( chuckles ) not at all I was just shocked is all
Inko - hmm really
Izuku - Ouu what is it
Nick - okay uh your quirk it's called Gift I haven't seen a quirk like this before but your able to use
Element control the stronger you get you can create different things with all of them (referring to naruto)
Erase - you can remove somebody's quirk by looking at them

Nick- the disadvantages of this is with
Telekinesis- if you use it to long you'll lose to much energy
Element control - you can't use it for long or you'll start getting bad headaches but with erase you have no draw backs you can return it whenever you choose to

Izuku - ( smiling ) mommy mommy that's awesoommeee

*he was jumping in her lap*

Inko - ( chuckles ) excited as always I see
Izuku - ( giggling ) mommy I wann challenge
Inko - you haven't finished your other challenge yet
Izuku - what learning English and Japanese
Inko - yeah
Izuku - hmmmm

I sat back on her lap
Izuku - I got ittt mom
Inko - what did you think about
Izuku - on the weekends I dont have school well here I don't but I can do the challenge thennn
Nick- hmm
Inko- okay you have to master your quirk before you turn 15
Izuku - yaayyy okayyy
Inko - so you have 10 years
Izuku - challenge accepted
Nick - ( chuckles ) well I wish you luck on your journey Izuku
Izuku - thanks youu
Nick - okay ill see you another time come visit
Izuku - wee willll

We got up and I walked ahead of my mom a little and then she caught up with me and we got in the car and went out to eat and came home and I went to be I was sleeppyyy

*The next day him Alex Uyna and river had a sleepover and izu told them he was moving Monday and then they staid with him the whole weekend and then they asked their moms to give Inko their moms  number and they did now they could stay in touch this is a new journey awaits izuku*

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