Chapter 5 ( training )

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*The next day
Kaminaris p.o.v
I started to wake up and right when I sat up I gripped my back
Kaminari - Auhhhhh my baacckkkk ooowwww
Izuku - ( deep morning voice ) baby lay down

He pulled me in his arms pressing in my back
Izuku - that feel better
I wrapped my arms around his neck
Kaminari - yeah

He did that for a minute and sat up holding me
Izuku - Goodmorning pika
Kaminari - Goodmorning

He started calling me pika or pikachu after I moved in here I don't really mind he would call me kami or kaminari if I wasn't listening and he was being serious or something but I love him a lot so I don't really mind the nicknames

Izuku - Cmon let's get ready for school want me to carry you
Kaminari - Yeah
He stood up holding me and we went in the bathroom and dad that then he put my uniform and his on and he put his shoes on and I couldn't walk
Kaminari - uhmmm
Izuku - Whats wrong
Kaminari - I can't walk
Izuku- Didnt realize I went that hard I'll carry you today
Kaminari - Yaaaayy

I jumped in his arms and he picked up his phone and we walked downstairs
Inko - GooodMorning oh and zu did you
He turned his head and looked at her
Izuku - Oooohhhhhhhh

Izukus p.o.v
I ran upstairs and sat him on the sink and I made him pee in a cup and he did and I sat the pregnancy test in there And we waited 30 minutes were 10 minutes late already and i took it out he wasn't pregnant

Kaminari - Why did you do that zu
Izuku - To check and see if you were pregnant
Kaminari - ... am I
Izuku - Nope
Kaminari - Aw man
Izuku - Wait a minute what
Kaminari - What
Izuku - You want to be
Kaminari - Kinda
Izuku - Your growing up so fast Cmon
I picked him up and teleported to our seats
Aizawa - You can't show up out the blue like that
Izuku - sorryy had to check something

Everybody looked at me and kami
Izuku - Whaatt

We finished general studies and I teleported me and kaminari on the roof I was holding him well he was hanging on to the rail and I was behind him with my arms around his neck
Izuku - You sure you want to yknow that's a lot of everything right
Kaminari - ( smiles ) yep
Izuku - Right now
Kaminari - Not until your ready okay baby

I kissed his neck and put my cheek on his
Izuku - I love you
Kaminari - I love you tooo ( giggles )
Izuku - Oh and ochaco kirishima sero and shitty Pomeranian is about to walk through that door
Kaminari - Oh why
Izukj - Well shes is nosey so hey

izuku- girl stop yelling I don't want the entire universe know what I'm doing
Uraraka- Huh Whatre you doing
Izuku - I'm not doing anything I'm with my wife at the moment
Uraraka - what I thought you was single
Kirishima - Wife I thought you was gay
Izuku - I am dumbass
I turned around holding him

Kirishima&sero - I didn't know you were dating
Izuku - Yeah duh I know that
Bakugou - Your treating him like he's a damn baby shit nerd
Izuku - Mind your business blondie
Kami was just sitting there he knows if he say something he gonna slip up and make somebody mad because kami has a smart mouth ( chuckles )
Bakugou - Tsk
Izuku - Ready to go
Kaminari - ( nods )
Uraraka- Why aren't you talking
Kaminari - if I wanted to talk dont you think I would have
Izuku - stop that

I pinched his nose I've been trying to help him control what comes out his mouth but it still comes out ( chuckles ). I teleported from up there to our other hiding spot

Izuku - Why do you have a smart mouth baby
Kaminari - I'm sorry
Izuku - You don't have to apologize pika
Kaminari - But you pinched my nose
Izuku - Thats because you didn't have to respond to that baby sometimes when people ask obvious questions just ignore them Okay
Kaminari - ( smiles ) okay
I turned him around and kissed him and he turned back around and I was messing with his hair talking to him
Shinso - I figured you two would be here
Izuku - ( chuckles ) why are you up there
I looked up he was hanging from the roof
Shinso - The ground it got boring
Izuku&kaminari - ( laughs )
Shinso - And why was the bakugou tarage so mad
Izuku - Because we were on the roof off u.a just looking and talking yknow the normal thing then they came up their all in our business and I said kami was my wife and brown head got mad talking bout I thought you was single
Shinso - ( laughs ) who would've thought you two went out fr so far as the school knows your the finest boy in the school then it's shoto
Izuku - Augh I don't want no damn title
Shinso - I bet
Kaminari - Where is he anyways
Shinso - Hes with mina mina wanted to make him pretty
"Bust out Laughing"
Izuku - How much you wanna bet he gone have pigtails when we see him
Shinso - 20
Izuku - Bet
I stood up holding kami and then I jumped on the roof and we walked off and we saw sho in the classroom with pigtails I sat my hand out and he put a 20 in my hand
Izuku - Wassup cutie pie
Todoroki - Zu I will kill you
Izuku - Aaww the little princess is embarrassed

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