Chapter 7 ( School & Pregnancy )

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*4 months later
I would take kami each month to know his progress and we found out we were having a little girl he was so happy I love seeing him happy but he's 4 months pregnant and he has a belly but nobody noticed it because how big his sweatshirts are well he wears mine. He wanted to still come to school so we're still here but we won't be here next week he'll be 5 months pregnant and we won't be at school

Izukus p.o.v
Kami was still asleep but I woke him up and put him on some sweats and one of my shirts and I pulled his hair up he has a tattoo on his neck and forearm the one on his neck is butterfly's and his forearm some design. But I have a tattoo on my shoulder to my forearm basically a half sleeve and one on my ankle and wrist. Mina sho and hito they moved in like a month ago their parents don't care aslong as they visit so it's all cool

Mina - Heyyyy guys
Todoroki - should we like stop going to school
Izuku - Yeah we're gonna stop coming this is our last week im exposing him to this many people and he's about to be 5 months pregnant no
Shinso - Makes sense well today and tomorrow's our last day so let's get it over with

We went to school told nezu and he said it was fine and I told him we would be back in December because the baby will be born in October it's September 28th but he would inform the teachers and stuff so we did what we had to do for the last two days now we're home chilling watching movies being the best friend group like always oh me and kami got married like three months ago

*4 months later
Izukus p.o.v
It was like October and A'lexis was due any time me and kami was at the hospital and they were getting her room ready even tho she's gonna be with us for a while.
Izuku - How do you feel
Kaminari - Excited that I don't have to waddle around anymore and excited she's gonna be in the world of living but nervous is it gonna hurt like I mean she's coming outta my asshole
Izuku - ( chuckles ) I'll be with you through all of it okay love
Kaminari - ( giggles ) okaayyy
Kaminari - Omg baby
Izuku - Hmm
Kaminari - How are we gonna do it when we have to go back to school in two months
Izuku- Hmm we'll figure all of that out when we get there and of course we're bringing lexi everywhere with us
Kaminari - Yeahhhh

*10 minutes later
Kaminari - Ooowwww aahhh
Izuku - Whats wrong
Kaminari - She's coming zu- Ahhhh

A nurse came in and she asked me was I staying in the room I said yes and then she called for the head RN and two more doctors and I held onto kamis hands
?? - Okay three two one push
Kaminari - Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh
?? - There you go keep pushing I see her head deep breathes
Kaminari - Aaugh damn this shit hurts can't you like give him some of this pain too
?? - We can
Izuku - Huh what
Kaminari - Pleaseeeee
Izuku - Okay fine
They hooked this machine up to me and sat me in a chair and gave me all his pain
Izuku - ... damn
?? - Keep pushing
Izuku - I feel like my assholes finna rip in half

He got her out and they laid her on his chest and she was crying I was on the floor that shit hurt like a bitch ( laughing ) I got up tho
Kaminari - ( smiling ) welcome to the world of living A'Lexis

They got him cleaned up but him and the baby was out
?? - He's exhausted from this so he should wake up in about a hour or two we'll take A'Lexis to the baby room get her all cleaned up put her on a diaper and such
Izuku - Okay thanks

They cleaned him all the way up and got her and laid her on the stretcher and I held onto his hands
Izuku - ( smiles ) I'm so proud of you baby ... I love you so much

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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