18 1 0

Word count 1125

So you Noya and Tanaka grew closer, see your friendship was the monster energy, skating, graffiti friendship late-nights skating laying in the rain and just super chill, also you guys were stoners so you guys would get high and joke around, and make memories. You guys were enseprabal. You became a manager for the team its time for the spring training camp. You sat with Noya and you two listened to music and talked the whole time. When you got there nekoma's Captian Kuroo Testuro tried to talk to you however Noya started barking at him and he backed off. The boys got off the bus and started to warm up while you and the managers start preparing. Noya comes over to you and asks if you will cheer for him. boy asked the right person
you want hype you got hype. You said

'' ofc I know you are gonna do amazing''

he smiled so much and got so fucking excited. When they were switching him in you screamed


while Kuroo stared at you every recive he would get you would give him all the hype you gave tanaka a little more than the others but you gave them all a little but everytime you would cheer for Noya, Kuroo would look at you. they ended up losing all their games but it was ok they all had so much energy. They kept training and the tension between you and Noya kept building more. After training for today was over you two met outside. Noya was super nervous but couldnt tell why. He started talking to you and you guys decided to star gaze. Noya was laying next to you while you two were looking at the stars, well you were looking at the stars meanwhile Noya was studying your beauty. He was looking at the way you h/l h/c lay perfectly with every strand, the way your e/c eyes lit up and connected to your long beautiful lashes, the way your nose perfectly rose from your face, the way your full lips formed a tiny smile just barely showing your teeth, and the blue glow on you from the moon.He couldn't take his eyes off you, you eventually noticed and let out a tiny giggle that gave him happiness and he felt warmth. You too just stared at eachother when you felt the urge to kiss him like light tingly electricity on your lips, thats when you heard yelling and quickly sit up to see Tsukki with two captians. Thats when Noya got up and turned towards you and held out a hand, he looked so cute with his glowing amber eyes, and the way the blonde met the black of his hair, and his smile it was so cute, warm, and inviting. You started to blush as you held out your hand and grabbed his, it felt soft and he had a firm grip. he helped you up and then made a cute little giggle. You both walk back to the dorms. Theres a silence between you its not akward its just there its comfortable. Normally you would talk but you are both in deep thought about eachother and there is tension lingering like a warm cinnamon perfume. You walked into the girls dorm to find Kiyoko and yachi staring at you.

''Are you ok''

you asked

''Um were you with Noya-san?''

yachi asked.

''Um yea why?"

you asked again

''oh nothing just asking''

she said giggling. You were a bit confused but said welp it is what it is. You feel asleep thinking about Noya and all of Todays events. The next few days flew you and Noya grew closer and tension slowly built. Before you knew it it was the last day. As the boys started playing they had slightly more energy because it was the end. Now Daichi overheard the coaches and to give them more energy he told them about the barbeque they were planning. The boys finnaly win a game. Now its time to eat, the boys are so exited, specifically Noya, Tanaka, Hinata, and Kagayama. You all make your way outside to see a large selection of meats, veggies, and watermelon. The boys stare drooling at all the amazing food, and the amazing aroma that fills the air. Then all the boys rushed to get food and started stuffing their faces, so much so Kagayama started choking and Bokuto got yelled at by Kuroo for stealing food. Noya and Tanaka sat next to you so that the others boys wouldn't hit on you even though that didn't stop Kuroo, he pulled a chemistry joke. you laughed and almost pulled one back however Noya and Tanaka started growling, and barking. Kuroo got so confused so he just hissed like a cat. Then he walked away.

"Noya-senpai Tanaka-senpai, what was that for"

you said while looking at your friends with a confused look.

"i- he was hitting on you, and thats just gross"

noya replyed.

"boy bye"

you said in a semi dramtic tone causing laughter from Tanaka. You all wraped up and got ready to get on the bus. You sat by Noya once again. You two started talking and listening to music like you did on the ride here however he was tired so he may or may not have fallen asleep on your shoulder he looked so cute even if he was drooling on you a bit. You took a few photos before he nuzzled his face in your neck making cute sleeping noises. You put your head on his and feel asleep. You barley realized it untill you heared Suga yell

''Alright love birds nap times over.''

You get up and get Noya to wake up (he wasn't very happy to be awake). You all unload the equipment and start heading home. Noya offers to walk you home i mean you are neighbors. When you agree he looks so cute all jumpy, happy, and full of energy. When you two get home he offers for you to come inside, you say

"sure Noya-senpai"

as you two enter the house you realize no ones home. He leads you upstairs to his room. You have been there before,  well not in his room so he kinda gives you the tour. Then goes in his bathroom to take a shower. you lay on his bed and scroll through your phone while you wait.

"Um hey y/n-chan"

he yells through the door when he's done. '

'yes senpai?''

you reply.

''Um so i sorta forgot to grab clothes so um i need to come out for a second.''


you yell.

Noya X Fem Reader You God Damn Pervert Where stories live. Discover now