Ahh wtf

24 1 0

word count 1054

He comes out of his bathroom dripping wet, his hair dangling in his face while water dripped down his body your eyes traveled from his face down his chest and abs to the towel loosely wrapped around his waist studing his short but muscular figure, as you look back up at him he jokingly asked

"you like what you see."

you blushed so hard while trying not to make eye contact. he quickly slipped boxers and a pair of grey sweat pants on while you were still nervous then he looked over at you and before puting a shirt one he walked over grabbed your chin and seductivley said

'' You dont have to be emmbarassed or hide your face, i like seeing your face especially while your all blushing and flusterd''

you blush harder but not can't hide your face because he is holding it. You say

'' o-ok s-s-senpai''

he leans in a little you want to kiss him so bad but he goes towards your ear and whispers

'' I really like it when you call me senpai but id rather hear you moan it"

this set you off you can barley help kissing him but you want to ask so you say

''um hey senpai can i um k-kiss you''

you nervously ask as he smashes his lips into yours you two start intensely making out he licks your bottom lip asking for entrance you give in as he slips his tougne in exploring your mouth sadly your phone starts ringing and its your mom, she is wondering where you are and needs you home. you look and Noya blush and say

''goodbye senpai''

teasingly then you notice his erection through his sweatpants. You now can't get him out of your head. You keep zoning out and replaying the scenes in your head. You kept thinking about Noya's soft lips, warm breath, and hands that gentally wandered your body. After dinner and chores you went to your room and colapsed on your bed as you heard somthing hit the window you look out to see a nerf bullet stuck to your window you look over to Noya's house as you see him and his older sisters having a nerf war in his room as you get shot you scream

''ah wft''

the four of them look over at you and Noya bursts out laughing as one of his sisters hit him in the back of the head and yell

''quit it thats not nice''

you say

'' its ok we're actually friends so im used to it by now.''

''ohhhh a friend''

one of them says teasingly

'' Oh does Noya have a girlfriend''

''oh quit it we are just friends''

he says and then sutbly winks at you.

''Yea yea whatever''

she says. you get the darts and some how manage to throw them in his window. You start getting ready for bed, you are changing when you get a text from Noya that says

Noya X Fem Reader You God Damn Pervert Where stories live. Discover now