Alex - Part 1

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An introduction to Alex, another important character. And Lynx, Zass's nemesis. Enjoy Lovely Readers :)

Case 2 - "Blood Bank"

Explanation time shall we?

Alex is kind of one of my employees, and kind of a bit more than that. He and Kirstie share a similar history in that one or both of their parents knew me and now they know me and what I am. So I not only watched Alex grow up, I watched him grow up into the extremely attractive man he is today. That jaw... he's totally charming too, a lovely guy and the only way he would be speaking that erratically is if he is seriously worried. Another Vampire in town? Well that's enough to rattle my cage too since I haven't smelled anyone new. Could be something else though. He's right investigation is required. At least they're obeying my rules for this city, take away only when you can't get a regular delivery.

"OK Alex, I understand your concern. It's just turned 6.00pm give me a chance to organize some stuff and get ready."

"If you can come after 8.00pm that would be awesome. Everyone else should be out of here by then."

"OK Alex, see you then."

There go my date plans for this evening. Oh well, maybe Scott can come along and check it out with me. He'd like Alex. Date after?

I went to his door and knocked. "Scott you awake?"


Either that man didn't get very much sleep the last few days, or he had trouble getting to sleep earlier. "Rise and shine Blondie! I've got a new job. Thought you might want to tag along. Up and at 'em. Jump in the shower and come have some breakfast before we head out."

"OK." I heard Scott roll over fluff his pillow and put his head back down.

"Move your ass." I shouted through the door.

"OK, OK... Jeepers."

I heard him get out of bed and stumble towards the bathroom. He opened the door and the shower started to run. Good, I nodded and went into the kitchen for my own breakfast. Once I had my morning mug, I washed the cup and then got stuck into making French toast for Scott. I might not eat it, but I could appreciate the smell of cinnamon in the air. The coffee percolator was dripping happily and I poured a glass of orange juice for when Scott appeared.

He walked into the kitchen with a towel around his shoulders, he was wearing black skinny jeans, and a black and red Joyrich baseball T with white numbers. He had a stylish pair of boots that looked well-loved on too and after rubbing his hair he grinned at me. I practically drooled. Taking a deep breath and breathing in his freshly showered scent, I felt my fangs begin to make an appearance. Hang on I just ate. I guess being restricted to a platonic relationship meant my hunger wasn't the food related variety. Hope to change that soon!

"Oh Wow! I love French toast!" He smiled at me.

"Cool! Eat up and have some OJ and Coffee. We have to go and see a friend and employee of mine at the Bank."

"The Bank?"

"Blood Bank."

"Oh, right. What's up?"

"Maybe nothing, maybe another Vampire in town. Alex has asked me to find out."

"OK sure, I'm in!"

We put the dishes in the sink and headed out. I let Scott drive. He really handled the GT with finesse. It was fun watching him hold the wheel and stroke the leather grip. Watching his hand caress the gear lever and move from the knob to his leg and then back again was like watching an intricate dance. I got so absorbed in watching him make the car purr I forgot we had an actual mission. When we stopped at the Blood Bank and Scott turned off the ignition, I had to stop myself from verbalizing my disappointment out loud. Damn I had it bad.

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