Avriel - Part 15

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Case 3 - "Dragonfire"

Perspective alternates. Bonus coming. :)

Esther looked down at the man kneeling before her. He was part of the problem not part of any solution to her safety being assured. Until the Regent acknowledged her claim to the throne, the title of Queen meant nothing. Ezra understood the whole issue of succession was in Limbo until they and their child made it back to the throne room at Castle Dracos and were acknowledged by their Clan. This was something that Arin, the Regent would rather never happened because that meant the end of her reign.

But there was no time for further reflection as another contraction rippled through her body and she groaned.

"Lie back now." The midwife requested. She examined Esther when she had assisted her back onto the bed. "Yes, I can see the head beginning to crown. When I tell you, start to push."

Petros and Akiva left the room, while the messy business was achieved, to return when the wail of new life was heard.

Ezra stood with a stunned expression on his face and a small bundle in his arms as his mother and the midwife dealt with the other parts of giving birth. When everything was complete, he stood next the bed and as a family, they presented their child to Arin's Representative.

"This is Eliana, firstborn of Ezra and Esther Dracos, first in-line of succession. Where once was barren wasteland, there is now fertility and life. Does the Regent's Representative acknowledge the claim and the title?" Esther said loudly and clearly.

"Yes, my Queen." Akiva bowed and once again performed the ritual acknowledgement of authority, the hand to head and heart. Esther nodded and Akiva assured them he would bring the news to Arin in person.

"Take a picture with you as well." Esther required and made him take a picture on his phone. "You are witness, now go and spread the news. There is a new Queen and she is coming home to claim her throne."

Akiva left, rushing to the car that had brought him to the house. Petros remained behind, his men still waiting in their vehicle. When Akiva was no longer in earshot of the family before him, he asked one simple question.

"Where will I find Zass?"

Esther and Ezra exchanged glances. They didn't know, but they did know who to call. Ezra wanted Petros out of the room as soon as possible and so he put in a call to Avi. When Avi told him where they were headed, he relayed that information to Petros who smiled a grim smile and left the new family to find his quarry.

Esther and Ezra exchanged looks and then gazed at their new daughter. The only way she would be safe was if they ensured the Ascalonians were taken care of, and that Petros was no threat to their family either. If he was going after Zass and Avi got in the way, then Eliana would no longer have her Guardian. That was as unacceptable as the possibility of Zass's death. Ezra and Esther knew they had much to be grateful for, due to Zass and his friends' efforts to remove the unwanted Council attention.

"Go." Esther told Ezra. "Make sure my little brother and his friends make it."

Ezra nodded and hurried out of the room, stripping as he went. Large wings lifted him into the air as he launched from the back door and headed up to the peak where the battle was going to take place.


Dimity, who was scouring the hills surrounding the City for any signs of Supernatural activity, saw the black and red dragon flash into the night sky. She took it for a sign and pursued the retreating form, as it led her towards the Summit.


When Avi relayed the fact that Petros was looking for me, I said, "I think we might need to call in the cavalry."

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