Chapter Four (Changes Told)

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I crinkled my nose, as Alyssa, Alec and I made our way towards my old school doors. It still looked the same, though I notice some students that weren’t here before.

Of course not Julie it’s been a year, there’s bound to be freshman.

I sometimes really hate my voice inside my head, it doesn’t leave me alone ever! I looked at Alyssa who was avoiding Alec for some reason, he looked ready to snap at any minute.

“So, Alexzander how was life while I and Ally took our break.” I asked him biting my lower lip, he looked at me blankly.

“Sucky, but I wish not to blow up right now so bye guys.” Alec said walking faster but, I noticed he was still in hear shot of Alyssa. Mates are weird, but she doesn’t know that werewolves are real right?

It’s like she he’s whole world, I’m such a hypocrite! I see how much Alyssa means to Alec then why can’t I see how much I mean to Wyatt? I don’t know, I am in deep.

“Ow!” I yelled as I smacked into a hard chest, he caught me before I feel on my butt. I looked up to see Ethan.

“Ethan! You go to school?” I cried gleefully.

“Yeah, I’m eighteen why wouldn’t I?” He asked laughing. I hugged him tightly, where did all this come from? I don’t know he just makes me feel safe. Must be something to do with trees and storms.

“Thanks for saving me…again.” I said, he said a brief ‘you’re welcome’.

“So are you new here? I could show you around.” He offered, I shook my head ruffling his hair.

“I use to go here before...” I stopped about to tell him the truth, “I left.” I finished.

“Oh and I figured out why you looked so familiar, also that’s one of the reasons I saved you.” He said walking with me to my next class. I nodded, waiting for him to go on.

“We were best friends in kindergarten, then I had to move. Remember?” Ethan asked me, I nodded smiling looking at the blonde haired and green eyed boy, which is connected to my past. I hugged him, he stiffened then relaxed and hugged me back.

“We better not be late.” I said walking into my class, sighing. He is a part of when everything was simpler, no werewolves, no demons and no supernatural shiz. Wouldn’t it be cool if Sam and Dean came in here, yeah Dean has drool worthy abs.


I snapped my head up as the obnoxious bell rang, I groan running a hand through my hair. I stood up grabbing my navy blue backpack, walking out of the classroom.

I got pushed into a locker, by Sandera some of her red hair getting in my mouth. I spit it out, gross how much hair spray does she use?

“Oh, sorry newbie didn’t see you there.” She snickered, seriously? Dose she not remember me? I mean I really didn’t change much just grew out my hair down to my middle of my back.

“Really, Sandera? How do you not remember me?” I asked her amazed. She looked at me closer even picking up my arm, poking my arm flab. I slapped her hand away, glaring at her.

“OMG! Julie, it’s been too long!” She squealed hugging me, tightly. I rolled my eyes, Alyssa came next to me with, of course, Alec. Sandera squeezed her too, Alyssa had a look on her face that said Why-is-she-hugging-me? Her eyes are wide and her arms are drawled up to her chest.

I gave Alec a waning look when he let a small growl out, he obviously felt his mate’s uneasiness. I yanked Alyssa back by the arm, smiling sweetly at Sandera. Alyssa looked relived.

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