spicy mama

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It started off as an ordinary day, like any other. My alarm clock blaring and my mum yelling at me to get up. I yelled back at her because i hate her a lot a lot a lot, and got up from my bed. I got changed into one of my favourite outfits and walked down stairs.

"finally, your lazy ass is out of bed!" she sighed at me.
"jeez calm down, i'm up the same time i'm usually up!" i responded back.
"don't have have that attitude with me! i'll kick you out of this goddamn house you ungrateful little swine!" she continued to yell at me
"ok ok i'm sorry lmao" i said back sarcastically.

i sat down at the table and ate the eggs and bacon that mum had made for me. they tasted like shit and they were really burnt, but i didn't want to get her even more angry so i ate the entire thing and tried not to throw up.

when i finished eating, i grabbed my bag, said bye to mum and began walking to school. i hated school. i'm currently failing every subject, and i highly doubt i'm gonna pass this year.

when i arrived at school i went straight to my locker and tried to avoid everyone else. i wasn't in the best mood today because of my mum, and i just wanted to be alone. i grabbed everything i needed for my first subject, which was sadly maths, and headed to my homeroom.

i sat down in my usual seat and plugged in my headphones and listened to my favourite playlist.  i could feel someone's eyes on me, so i looked up to see Ryan staring at me. he winked at me while smirking, but i just flipped him off. he's been flirting with me ever since the beginning of the year, when we first met. although he flirts with most of the girls in the school, i was surprised when he started trying to flirt with me, considering he's the most popular guy in school.

i absolutely hate him. he's a really rude guy in general, and he's also a football player. my whole school life i've stuck by one thing, never trust a football player. him and his jock friends are the most annoying and stuck up people i've ever met.

as the popular girls walked into our homeroom Ryan looked away and began talking to them. i turned up my volume as he started bragging about some random football game.

i sat staring out the window, waiting for the bell to ring so i can go to my first class. all of a sudden, there was a knock at the classroom door and standing behind was the principle, Dr. Rubin. i was the only one who noticed, seeing as everyone was focused on Ryan. they exchanged a few words before Dr. Rubin walked off and Julie shut the door. i was confused as to what was happening and then i saw the chipmunks jump onto the desk at the front. why were they here? they're the most popular group at the moment, so why are they in a public school? they're also chipmunks. why the actual fuck do chipmunks need to go to school?

"hello ladies." Alvin said as he dramatically bowed.

"is that the chipmunks!?" one of the girls exclaimed as they all screamed and ran up to them, while Ryan turned around to face them with an annoyed look on his face.

"hi, i'm Theodore! hi, i'm Theodore!" Theodore began to greet each girl one by one, until Simon covered his mouth to shut him up.

"yes, he's Theodore, in case you missed it, and i'm Simon."  the girls all awed at them as i rolled my eyes. why are they attracted to literal chipmunks?? have they ever heard of beastiality??

"the names Seville. Alvin Seville." Becca stuck out her finger, to which Alvin grabbed and kissed the fingertip. "enchanté, mademoiselle." Becca visibly swooned at this.

"somebody's gonna have to knock those guys down to size." i heard Ryan mumble.

"well that should be pretty easy. i mean they're only eight inches tall." his friend Xander said. to which Ryan looked at him and shook his head.

Not so long after, the bell finally rang. as the group of girls all went back to grab their stuff, i stood up and noticed Simon staring at me. i smiled at him, and frantically he smiled back. he seemed embarrassed that i caught him staring, and quickly ran off with his brothers.

'weird' i thought to myself. and quickly left to go to maths.

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