Random shit

447 4 12

Hey I'm so bored and I can't be bother to update and thankyou so so so so much for 7k I can't express how much I love you all and how happy I am! I'm felling sick again and shit it's going down hill but looking at your guys comments make me so happy so thankyou so much I physically can't show you my happinesses gratitude because there is so much of it like holy shit man,
So I'm bored and here are celebrities I'd fuck

Kurt Cobain
Michael Hutchins
Jim Morrison
Tommy Lee
Tommy Lee again
Nikki Sixx
Courtney Love
Bon Jovi
Kurt Cobain
Wynona Rider
Robbert Plant
Stevie Nicks
Dave Grohl
Kurt Cobain once more
Axl Rose

Yeah so-
I mean I hate some of them but they are hot

They are the only ones I can think of right now so yeah fuck it I'm gonna go sleep now so have a good day I might update soon

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