Heaven - Heaven 1

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The land of rice paddies was a very small nation with an abundance of, as the name implied, rice fields. The main occupation of the citizens was to grow rice, and from there many other forms of livelihood arose.

Women were never allowed to work. If they did, their only jobs were to be housewives and mothers or to make clothes. They were not an important part of the society as they were too weak to hold important jobs. In such a world where women were heavily dependent on men, a certain young woman, had just lost her husband and was left alone to survive with her mother in law.

Tenten was helping her mother in law out at their home when the bad news came in the form of her neighbour. "Tenten-san! Tenten-san!" The neighbour barged into their compound in a frenzy which had the young woman bolting up from her seat to meet the woman.

"What is the matter?!" Tenten tried to calm the panting woman in vain. Her mother in law was right behind her, being a bit slower because of age. Both women came to a standstill when their neighbour finally managed to rasp out what threw her in such a frenzy. "Lee-san-!"

Tenten ran to the village square with her mother in law in tow. This could not be, this was not happening! Alas, when she reached the village square, there she saw her husband or what used to be her husband.

"No!" Tenten gasped. Shock pinned her legs to the ground. It was not true, that was not Lee!

"Poor woman. Her husband was caught up in the riot on the rice fields."

"Pity, and Lee-san was a very good person too."

"His wife is so young, what a shame."

"Was it not just three years ago that they got married?"

Tenten refused to listen to all the sympathetic whispers around her. Her husband was not dead, Lee was not dead! Her mother in law was crying beside her for the loss of her son. How could this happen?! Her own husband had passed on a decade and a few years earlier and now her son?! Why was this happening?

Tenten was a young beautiful maiden that somehow captured the heart of Rock Lee, the ever enthusiastic hard worker of the land of Rice Paddies and married him. Nobody knows how that happened or why Tenten would choose a man like Lee (come on Tenten-san, have you seen the size of his eyebrows? Her friends would say during their courtship period).

But Tenten was never the kind to look only at outward appearances. There was a charm about Lee that she fell in love with and married him for. It was the same reason her mother in law, Anko, married her father in law, Maito Gai, and that reason was because they never looked down on women. However, now they were both gone. Tenten and Anko had nobody left for them.

Virtue (Temari, Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Tenten) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now