First Time Meeting

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Xingqiu was just in the library he was always usually there, he saw someone enter he was also reading a book

He wanted to maybe make a friend so he went up to the boy

"Hey! What's your name?"

Xingqiu says to the boy

The boy looked scared and it took quite awhile for him to answer

"A-Ah Uhm, Chongyun. What about you?"

Chongyun said

"My name is Xingqiu! This is your first time in the library right? I don't really recognize your face"

Chongyun nodded

"Wanna be friends?"

Xingqiu said

Chongyun nodded since Chongyun wasn't used to having friends, he wanted

Xingqiu and Chongyun sat down on the table and we're talking about

"So, what type of books do you read? I read alo't of books, I've read almost 150 books already! It's like 1/4 of the library "

Xingqiu said

"W-What book do I read, O-Oh well I-I read the bible that counts right?"

Chongyun said

"I guess it counts..."


To be continued......

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