Chapter 4

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Well today was terrible. Thank god the day is over! As I get off the bus and walk into the house my mom is at the door.
"How was your day?" She looks all excited.
"It was beyond bad. Jessica told everybody I had this rip in my dress." I turn around to show her, she giggles as well, gee thanks mom.
"Well, um, go change and bring it down so I can sew it ok?"
"Ok, thanks mom." I say and kinda smile.
"No problem." She smiles back.

I drag myself up the steps then find something else to wear. I find a shirt with Ed Sheeran on it and throw on some sweatpants. After giving the dress to my mom, I go back upstairs and go on my computer. Finally, computer time! I make myself comfortable and sit on my bed. The log in screen
pops up for Wonder who will be on. I have at least a thousand friends on here. My computer makes a bing sound, which means I have a friend request. It says, "Hey Taylor, I see you go to Lakewood highschool. I do too! Haha cool right? Anyway we should chat sometime! -Superguy"
Woah. A guy from my school wants to chat with me! Guess today isn't so bad after all. Maybe I should wait on here and see if this Superguy will get on so we can talk. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

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