Chapter 9

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Yes! School time! Ew...did that really just come out of my mouth? Anyways...I really want to go to school, I mean if a hot boy let you borrow his jacket, you'd want to go to school too. As I'm running down the steps I find another note from mom.
"Honey, working late again. Do whatever makes you happy till I get home. Xoxo -Mom"
Of course she's working late, she's always working late. I honestly don't know why she keeps leaving notes. But, she said do whatever makes me happy so I will do just that.

For breakfast I had some stale Cheerios. Yum. But after breakfast I went upstairs to change. I had to look good today! So I found a cute little white dress with a jean jacket vest and just threw on my combat boots. I actually look decent today. After I get dressed, I look online. Message from Superguy!
"Have a good day beautiful."
I love how he calls me beautiful like it's my name. When I was done on my computer, I did a quick outfit check and headed out for the bus.

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