Chapter 15

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The car ride was so much fun. We sang to some good songs and I even danced a little. When we got there, Nash opens the door for me.
"My lady." He says.
"Your awesome." I smile.
"What do ya wanna do princess?"
"You like to call me names don't you."
"Well what I call you is true." He touches my nose.
"Ew your so romantic!" I laugh and he does too.
As we go to find a pizza place, Nash points out some shirt store.
"LOOK!" He points.
"Aww! Cute!" I smiled. He was pointing to two shirts that said I'm his and I'm hers.
"Sooooo??!! What do you think!?"
"Oh Nash! Sure! Why not!" I get out my money.
"Stop," Nash puts his hand over mine, "I got it. He says
"You sure?"
"I'm positive." He says while I out my money away. He wants to put them on now so we go to the bathroom to change into them. I actually look decent...that's a first. I walk out and sit and wait for Nash. He comes out with a huge smile on his face.
"You look amazing."
"You do too." We stare at each other.
"Now pizza?" He says holding out his hand.
"Now pizza." I say grabbing his hand.

After we ate, Nash wanted something sweet. You'd think he would never stop eating! He had six slices of pizza while I had two. He saw a carnival thing that had cotton candy and he just had to stop there.
"Wanna share one?" He said swinging his arm with my hand in his hand.
"Love to."
"One cotton candy please." He says and hold out the money, then takes it. After he takes it, I look up and see a Ferris wheel.
"Nash! We have to!" I say pointing and taking a piece of cotton candy.
"Let's go then!" He finishes up the cotton candy, then licks this fingers and takes my hand. Little did he know his fingers were super sticky.
"Well! Here we go!" I say super excited because I love these things ever since I was little. I feel like I'm flying when I am sitting and closing my eyes. Everything seems possible from up here. Nash takes my hand.
"You're so amazing." He squeezes onto my hand.
"And you are as well." I say leaning my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, it's 11:11, make a wish."
"I don't need to. Everything is perfect." I smile and look at him. Nash leans in and then kisses me. Then I pull away.
"What's wrong? Do I have bad pizza and cotton candy breath?"
"No no!! It's just...I have never kissed a boy before." I look away in shame.
"Taylor, you don't have to worry. It's ok. You know, I'm happy to be your first." He smiles and lifts my chin up. I do the unthinkable and kiss him. He runs his fingers through my hair and I can't help but smile.
"You know how you said you never kissed a boy before?" He said.
"I think you lied." He smirks and the ride stops.

After we get off, we head for the photo booth. We took so many pictures that we held up the line! Then Nash couldn't go and hour without food so he got a funnel cake and made a huge mess! But after all of that, he took my hand and lead me to the beach. I took my shoes off as he did as well. And he sat in the sand, so I sat with him.
"I haven't been in this spot in ages."
"Really? Why?"
"Long story." He says.
"Well, we have all night." I take his hand.
"I'm not really an emotional person. But death, death is hard for me to handle. It was right here. I was 5, I watched my dad drown." He said wiping his tears. And the he continued.
"He didn't make it in time. A huge, like 15 foot wave came. And he didn't see it coming. He was waiting for my mom to come in with him. Waving at her, telling her to come on. She, she was busy with me. I was mad because she wouldn't buy me an ice cream. Yeah I know, I was a big cry baby back then. But in no time, the wave took him under. He was under there for two hours. I was upset, mad, furious. I was hoping I would see him pop out from under the water. An hour later, his body washed up on shore. My mom held me close and was sobbing. The paramedics came and said he was dead. Nothing they could do. My dad, he was my hero. I did everything with him. My mom became mean, I guess she missed him. She would beat me, it left marks, scars on me. I would go to bed crying every single night. One night she went out to get away from me. She said I was too much. The next day, my Aunt Kate, my dad's sister came by to inform me my mom died from drunk driving. She hit a stop light really hard and it came crashing down. Life's hard. Being strong is hard. But, life is a mess and Taylor, I'm sorry for telling you all of this, but I'm so happy I have you." He said really starting to cry hard. I took him and held him close.
"Nash, I am so sorry." I hold him tightly.
"Taylor, please, please promise me that you'll stay, stay by my side. Please don't leave me." He cried out.
"I'm not going anywhere." I say and kiss him passionately.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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