I Hear A Symphony

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𝙸 𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚊 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐

I was just another school nerd, straight A's, teachers pet, lonesome, quiet, the whole stereotypical package. My everyday life was simple, wake up, go to school, eat lunch, finish classes, go home and take care of my sisters, do homework, eat dinner, play some games then go to sleep. Same thing every day. The only thoughts I had were just what was going on in the moment, never anything complicated.

I was speed walking to my first class, just trying to get there as soon as possible, head down low. I didn't want any contact with anyone, especially you. But then it happened, the school superstar ran right into me while trying to catch a football that his best friend threw. Of course i wasn't paying attention, so i just fell, letting all of my books and papers fly free from my arms and all over the busy hallway. I can promise you that every single swear word in the english dictionary was running through my mind in that moment. Although i had never spoken to you before, i knew that some of your friends could sometimes be total assholes, especially to little people like myself, but not you. No, you stayed and even had the hallway clear out just so i could get all of my books and papers. Once we managed to collect everything, I thought for sure you were just going to leave, never say another word to me again. Never give me a second thought. Man was I wrong.

"Sorry about all of that. You're George, right?" I truly couldn't believe it, the one person in the school that every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted actually paid attention and remembered my name. If I had more friends at the time then I would have understood a bit more as to how you knew my name, but I was a loner, never talked to anyone. "Um, yeah, it's George. Thanks for helping pick everything up…" i saw your smile falter for only a minute and i'm sure you were thinking that i didn't know your name, but i did. Problem was, I didn't know what to call you. I knew your name was Clay, but I also knew that all of your friends called you Dream. Yes, you were friends with practically friends with the whole school so most everyone called you Dream, but I wasn't sure and didn't want to make any more of a fool out of myself. "Dream, you can call me Dream. And it really isn't any problem at all, i am the reason you dropped them after all. You have computer science right now, yeah?" That was something that confused me, that you of all people not only took a nerdy class, but you noticed me in it. All I could do was nod and watch as your smile brightened up a bit again. "Good, I can walk you there then. You know, keep you safe and all." All I could bring myself to do was nod as you threw the football back to your friend, then put your hand on my back to walk me to the class.

𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜, 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐

The whole class I could just feel your eyes burning a hole in my back, I swear you paid more attention to me than you did the teacher. Even though I could feel you staring, I still paid attention through that whole class, and you never entered my mind again.

Until the next day, when almost the same thing happened again. You and your friends were messing around and you got pushed into the door of my locker while I was in it. Jesus, you scared me so bad and all you did was laugh at my reaction. "I'm sorry George, didn't mean to scare ya.". You backed off of the door and looked inside my whole locker while I was still trying to get my books out of my bag. "You like Cody Fry?" I never did find out how you noticed the poster in my locker, it was just about fully hidden behind my book bag. "Yeah, he is my favourite singer. 'You like him too?" "I'll be honest, I've never heard any of his songs but I'm sure that if you like him then he is an excellent artist."  I could feel my cheeks heat up at your words, and you made me so confused. "Um, thanks?" "We should head to class, don't want to be late." And just like you did the day before, you put your hand on my back and walked me to our first class.

And it went on. For weeks. Every single day you would come to my locker and walk to computer science class with me, then stare at me all class. You wouldn't really speak to me much, just walk with me. And that is only where it started. Then you started speaking to me more and more during the day. You would stop by during lunch for only a few minutes at a time, then you would walk me to all of my classes. You filled my head with more questions than any test had ever done before. My head was constantly filled with you, and only you. You confused me, why was I the one you were chasing after, and why were you? My life was simple, I was straight and more focused on my school work and family, I never had any friends to worry about, let alone crushes. I had never had one before, and i didnt want to consider you as mine, but you made me feel a way I had never felt before.

After a month, you finally had a real conversation with me. "Hey George! I wanna show you something!" You looked more excited to see me than usual, and for some reason that made me smile even more too. "Ok." He pulls out his phone and a pair of earbuds, giving me one and showing me the screen of his phone. There on the screen, sat Dream at a piano, playing and singing Photograph by Cody Fry. I looked at you with wide eyes, a very clearly shocked expression on my face and you managed to only smile more. "I remember you said that you liked him, so I learned a few of his songs." I didn't know what to think, no one had ever done such a thing for me before. And that is the exact moment I think I came to terms with myself and accepted that I may had in fact have feelings for you. I don't quite know the reason, maybe it was because i was lonely for too long, or maybe i just really really wanted the contact with you, but i came in and wrapped my arms around you as if the world was about to end. I stuffed my head into your chest and felt your heartbeat speed up as you wrapped your arms around me too. "I love it. Is that our favourite song by him?" I pulled away and saw your bright red face trying to be hidden with your smile. "No, I have another favourite. It reminds me more of you. We should get to class."

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚖𝚢 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚘𝚍𝚢 

For the next few weeks, we got closer and closer as friends, inside and outside of school. You took my boring every day thoughts and changed them so that you are in every one i have each day. You were the first person I thought of when I woke up, and the last person when I fell asleep. Then one day we were at my house, working on homework as we often did, and you just wouldn't leave my mind. The same question just kept circling in my mind. "Why me?" You looked up at me confused. "What?" "Why me? Out of anyone and everyone you could have befriended, you chose me. I didn't have any friends, I wasn't popular, I was the "nerd" yet you still chose to walk me to class every day and hang out with me. Why?" You put your books down and moved closer to me, a nervous look in your eyes. "I wasn't interested or looking for anyone else. No one else made me feel the way you did by just looking at you. You intrigued me George, made me want to know more about you." You moved a bit closer to me, and I subconsciously did the same. "It was like looking at a flower. Once you find a pretty one, you never want to take your eyes off of it." You moved closer to me, lips only centimeters apart. "You asked me my favourite Cody Fry song, and I never told you what it was. Would you like to know?" I nod, slowly moving towards you ever more. "It is a song that reminds me of most of you, one I can relate to. A song that reminds me that every time I look at the person I fell for, I hear a symphony. May I kiss you George?" I answer by moving forward enough to bring our lips together. And it was in that moment, in our first kiss that I realized it. That i wanted to spend my forever with you, with my beautiful symphony.

I put the pen down and take the note out of its notebook and into my suit pocket. I knew waiting to write my speech last minute was a dumb idea, but i wanted to wait until i found the right words. After turning off the desk light, I make my way to our bed and lay down, being instantly grabbed and cuddled into Dream as he sleeps peacefully next to me. A smile creeps onto my face as I remember that he is mine, and that by this time tomorrow, he will officially be my husband. As I drift to sleep, the only thing left in my mind is that one song from all those years ago, the one that helped us fall in love.

𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝙸 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚊 𝚜𝚢𝚖𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚢

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