7. Shopping Day

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Don't Judge Me Rendition by SoMo

Laurel took the next rest of the week off to prepare for the concert and audition. (Wednesday through Sunday). Her other coworkers were glad to see her leave the office and take a break for the holiday. Work seemed to drag more than usual for her and she hated it. Normally, she was immune to the drama that surrounded Valentine's Day weekend but she couldn't get this feeling of butterflies in her stomach to go away. Her intuition told her that something big was about to happen. She hoped that she wouldn't run into him again. She was getting aroused thinking about SoMo on her lunch break. Damn I need to get Vincent out of my system, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile in his studio, reviewing the applications for the third time in a row, he makes a huge discovery. One of the applicants is none other than Laurel Dawson, his first love. The company did a misspelling when they printed the submissions out. He literally felt like an elephant sat on his chest while being hit with a Mack truck. He grabbed his notebook and ran into the booth suddenly overcome with emotion. He flipped through the book until he landed on the bookmarked page with the lyrics to Sweet Lady by Tyrese. He started singing thinking about her back when they were together. He hoped this concert would keep his mind off of her but it wasn't working so far. He had this gut feeling he would run into her this weekend. If he did run into her, he hoped that he could control himself unlike the last time they were together.

FLASHBACK: Thursday August 30th, 2012 - (sitting at the kitchen table 8:00 pm) Laurel was trying to hold herself together for Vince's sake. This was the last time that they would be together before Thanksgiving break and she didn't want to ruin it by being an emotional wreck. "What are your plans after graduation?", She asked him quizzically. "Probably pursue a career in music or business. But I don't want to think about that right now." They both got up and started cleaning their dishes from dinner. "Oh really? What are you thinking about?" She started loading the dishes in the dishwasher, while Vincent put the leftover chicken parmesan in the fridge. "Just wait until we get upstairs.", Vince replied sweetly. She chuckled after putting soap in the dishwasher and turning it on. "Well then hurry up let's go! I call dibs on the shower!", Laurel bolted upstairs and got in the shower to get ready for tonight. "Hey no fair! She's gonna pay for that." Vince went upstairs to the guest bathroom and got ready.

--- Vince was done showering in less than 20 minutes. He put on a blue tank top and brown pajama pants. He left the guest bathroom and walked down the hall towards the master bedroom. Hearing no signs of Elle, he put his clothes in his overnight bag near the vanity and went to the top dresser drawer. He pulled out a long black velvet box and went and laid on the bed waiting for her to get out. On cue Laurel came out the bathroom and ran to the bed. She was wearing a green camisole set. He couldn't even say anything because she was on him kissing him as if it were her last breath. Vince kissed her back with just as much passion, pinning her down as she wrapped her legs around him.He pulled back stopping the kiss and said, "Elle I wait, I have something for you." Laurel's stomach dropped the words, (Please don't tell me that your gay, or want to break up) she thought to herself.

"Well what is it?" Vince pulled the box from behind his back and gave it to her. Her eyes lit up as she grabbed the box and opened it. "Aww honey, you shouldn't have, It's beautiful!!", it was a gold locket (on a chain) with his intials on the front. She opened it and inside was a picture of him and her on their first date. "I love it Vince!" She put on the necklace and pulled him close. "I love you Elle." He leaned in to kiss her again, when she stopped him. "Really Elle, come on?" Vince told her slightly irritated. "I have something for you too." She unwrapped herself and went to the closet and pulled out a gift bag.

--- "Elle you didn't have to get me anything. Having you is enough." She gave it to him and he opened it. Inside was a black box. He opened the box and was stunned. It was a gold locket, with Laurel's intials on it. He opened it and saw a photo of them at the july 4th carnival. "This is wonderful, sweetheart." He put on the locket and pulled her close. "Now can we get back to what we started?", he asked her as he started taking off her tank top. She in turn pulled off his tank top and he started kissing her neck. "Did you remember condoms?", her voice was uneven as he pulled off her shorts and panties. Slightly aggravated he responded, "Yes, now hush your mouth." He kissed her until she was breathless and laid on top her now completely naked. Thinking to herself she knew it was going to be a long night.

- Three hours later (Midnight) - She couldn't believe what they just shared. Vince couldn't believe himself either, that they made love. They never did that before, well at least not that intense. It probably had to do with the fact that he wouldn't see her until Thanksgiving break. He hoped he could keep himself occupied. Holding her in his arms he kissed her. She looked in his eyes and said "Forever and always Vince?" He replied, "Forever and always Laurel." He kissed her again and then they both fell asleep. END OF FLASHBACK.

Marisol couldn't wait to get out of work. She couldn't wait to go to the concert with Laurel. Her friend needed to get out and talk to men. She was afraid that Laurel would be an old spinster with cats in the future. Work just seemed to drag on and on. She secretly hoped that she would run into Shawn at the concert. It was a long time since they talked, and he was the only guy who was a perfect gentleman with her. She just hoped that she wasn't too late. --- Before she knew it it was 4pm and she flew out the door to meet Laurel at the mall.

5:00pm The girls were in the checkout line at Victoria's Secret waiting to cash out, when Laurel revealed the news. "I got a text message from a private number saying BC, I hope to see you at my concert." "Really? Who could it be from?" "Let me look at your phone." Laurel hands the phone to Marisol as she starts handing over her new lingerie to the cashier. With a few clicks Marisol gasps as she finds out the name of the private number. "What is it?" Laurel asks her as Marisol goes to cash out immediately after her. "Wait until we get into the car." "Really, just tell me!" "I'll tell you after we finish at Bebe." Not in the mood to argue with her, they went to Bebe for their shoes.

7:00pm After spending two hours debating on shoes, they finally got a few pairs and left. In the parking lot: They put their bags in their cars when Marisol gave Laurel her phone back. "Get in the car, and sit down." "Come on out with it!" "Look." Laurel looked down at her phone and her heart almost jumped out of her chest. It read {*69 private number 9175556301 TheMr.Somo}. "There's no way in hell that could be him?!" "Chica keep reading..." {Buttercup, I hope to see you at my concert this weekend. I have a surprise for you. Forever and always.} The only person who would say those words could be Vincent. Still in disbelief she said, I'm not going to that concert, hell with him!" She put the phone down, and Marisol grabbed her face and looked her in the eyes. "You're going to the concert if I have to drag you kicking and screaming! I'm sick of you being a hermit Elle!" "I'm not a hermit! What would he want to surprise me with?" Marisol let go of her pulling out her cell phone and checked her messages. "Hopefully, he will fuck your brains out so you'll stop being a nun." "Mari, I'm not a nun! Last time I checked you were due to get some too." Reading the message "Hi fellow contest winners, unfortunately due to overbooking, you'll have to share hotel suites with Mr. SoMo and Mr. Hunter. You'll be placed in small guestrooms 212 and 213 the night before the concert. But the night of the concert winner A will be place in suite 614, while B shall be in 620. We apologize for this inconvenience." "Hija de puta! We're going to have to share hotel suites with SoMo and Mr. Hunter." "You're kidding me right?! Is this a joke?" "No it's not a joke look at the message." Laurel looked at the message and smiled. "What's with the cheshire grin?" "I'll get to see SoMo shirtless and possibly naked!" "If that happens you better message me the dirty details! Hell better yet, make a baby with that sexy mofo. Don't waste the opportunity. " "Mari, you're crazy!! We better get going, because I have my recording with Shawn tomorrow."

Laurel got in her car and followed Marisol to her house. --- 10:30PM Laying in Marisol's bed watching music videos, Laurel's phone goes off. She checks it and sighs. "We'll have to meet at 11am in the studio tomorrow if possible. There was a last minute change of plans. Can you still come?" She texted him back saying "Yes I'll be there." "We'll have to leave early tomorrow to meet with Shawn at the studio. There was a last minute change of plans."

Snapping out her daydream, "As in Shawn Hunter?" "Yes Mari, why are you blushing?" "No I'm not!" "You have a thing for Shawn I knew it!!" "Was he the Theo James look alike at your salon earlier this week?" "Yes he was." "Damn girl, he can't see me! I'll turn into a complete mess near him!" "Mari calm down, you can be in the booth with me with my notes in a disguise." "Good idea, plus I hope we share hotel rooms." "Why is that? You've been friends for a long time won't it be awkward?" "Hell no! Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to get in his pants?" "Are you serious? I thought you two hooked up in college?" "We almost did, but that whore Carlisle got in the way." "Carlisle Watson? Ugh I hated her! She knew you two had a thing for each other too, what a bitch."

"Enough about Shawn, you need to watch this video Ride by SoMo." They watched the video, but Laurel fell asleep halfway at through the video so she couldn't see what SoMo fully looked like. "Way to say goodnight Laurel." Marisol, turned off the TV and fell asleep.

I'll Hold You Dear (SoMo & Tiffany Evans) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now