20. Our Dream House (Part One)

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***That's Oheka Castle pictured above. It's in Long Island, NY. Can you believe it has 127 rooms?! It used to be a private residence but now it's a hotel. FYI Vincent and Laurel's dream house won't be quite that large. It will be more realistic. I know this is short but I'll make part two of chapter 20 longer.****

From my head to my heart - Teairra Marie

Saturday August 8th

9am - Laurel and Vincent went to view the first house early that morning in an awkward silence. Granted they answered the questions from the realtor like usual, but were distant towards each other. I can't wait until this is over, my feet are killing me. Laurel kept circling the kitchen and pantry, as if waiting for food to magically appear. Vincent came back from viewing the upstairs and giggled upon seeing her pacing. "You look so cute doing that you know." "Very funny. I was looking for the wine cellar, they said there was one in here." Vincent was pleased they were at least talking again. "Well sweetie we have to go past the pantry because there's a door leading to the basement." You've gotta be kidding me! I'm not going down there! They walked past the pantry door and found a hidden door. It was blended into the wall facade so you couldn't tell it was there.

Vincent pressed a part of the wall that was above the door handle and it opened. There was an elevator behind the wall and they stepped inside. He pressed the B button for basment and they went down. Thank goodness there weren't stairs. "So Elle what do you think about the house?" "I like it, but it doesn't feel like home." "I was feeling the same way." They stepped off the elevator to a huge wine cellar. Laurel was surprised at how big the room was. "This place is huge!" They walked the perimeter of the room holding hands. "You know we could convert this into another family room. So the kids can be out of our hair." "That's a great idea! The family room upstairs was a little snug to my liking." He laughed because she had no idea what he was referring to. Mmm if I could put that mattress to good use right now, I definitely would! The realtor wouldn't be happy about it though. "What's so funny?" "Nothing, nothing at all." Uh huh. He's up to something, I can feel it. They finished walking around the room and were heading towards the elevator when Vincent suddenly stopped. Before Laurel could say anything, he grabbed her and kissed her like a madman, starving for air.

They arrived back upstairs in silence not wanting to ruin the moment. Laurel laughed at herself inwardly. Well that kiss was unexpected! They were both unsure about the layout of the house and decided to walk through the second story again. It was when they finally reached the master bedroom when Laurel made her move. "How long were you with Miranda before you started dating me?"

Vincent knocked over the chair in the walk in closet, shocked that she even asked that question. I don't know if she really wants to hear this right now. "Honestly we were friends with benefits for awhile, because we instantly clicked sexually." Laurel entered the closet and sat down on the long bench waiting for him to continue. "We both agreed it was no strings attached, but she wouldn't let go as I slowly backed when I started losing interest in casual sex." Oh really I wonder why? "Most men love casual sex, I don't see the issue there." Vincent knelt down in front of Elle and started massaging her belly again. Oh my goodness he's amazing with his hands! He must've been a massage therapist in a past life!

10:00 am

"I got bored with the same old thing, and wanted something with more stability. I found that when I first met you." She looked at him with surprise. "Stability with me really? I figured you just wanted to score which is why I said no. Yet you kept pursuing me." Vincent pulled her off the bench and sat her on his lap, facing him and held her close. Gosh darn it he smells so good! If I wasn't pregnant I'd have my way with him right now. "You know it's been awhile, we could makeup for lost time right now." "Hell no Vinny, I'm still mad at you for screwing Miranda." Ok well that initial plan failed, but it was worth a shot.

He sighed and continued his story. "I kept stalking you because I felt a deep connection unlike anything I've ever felt before." "Really? Please tell me those feelings weren't with your cock." "Haha! Hell no! I felt it in here." Vincent put his hand over her heart. "I fell in love with you slowly, and then all at once. It only grew stronger after we first had sex. I became addicted to you loving me." He's either telling me the truth or just really trying to get back in my good graces. "To be honest I fell in love with you after we first kissed." "Elle you're kidding right? In that case, let's get started on loving you all over again." Vincent pulled her head down towards his and kissed her passionately. "Mmm Vinny! We could get caught?!" "That's the idea." He continued making out with her until his phone rang.

Disgusted about being interrupted yet again, Vincent answered it quickly. "Yes?" "Excuse me Mr. Castellano, I have bad news." He pulled the phone back and told Laurel it was the realtor. "Yes what is it?" "You and you're fiancee shoukd come outside." "We'll be right down." They got up and left bedroom quickly. "I wonder what the news is Vince." "Let's just wait and see, sweetie." They left the house and quickly met up with the realtor outside. "I hate to inform you but this property has just sold." "What?! You've gotta be kidding me? We haven't made a decision yet?!", Laurel barked at the guy. "Calm down dear we can still view the other house." "My apologies Ms. Dawson. I didn't think this would sell so fast. But we can actually go view the other property today if you'd like." "Yes let's go see it now!"

"Laurel you don't have to be so harsh. Wait a minute you haven't eaten that's why you're grouchy." "Whatever Vincent." She should've told me she was hungry. Its not healthy for her or the babies. Laurel waddled to the car upset with herself at her sudden outburst. Being 6 months pregnant, she couldn't control her mood swings. She planned on talking with her doctor about it at her appointment next week. I should probably mention the upcoming tour to Dr. Carter too. Hopefully she can clear me to travel as my due date approaches.

**** To be continued!****

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