8. Keep Me From Falling Apart

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Stay High (Habits) - Tov Lo (Rendition by SoMo)

Wednesday 10:30am

Prudential Center, Tiffany's: Vincent went to the jewelry store and picked up the locket that he had engraved. He opened it and smiled when he saw the inside. Interrupting his thoughts the cashier asked, "Would you like anything else sir?" "What? Oh yeah, do you have any bracelets in stock?" "Yes what kind were you interested in? We have simple bangles, charm bracelets, and tennis bracelets." Vincent's face perked up at the last one the clerk mentioned. "I'll take a diamond tennis bracelet laid in 14 carat gold. Can you also gift wrap these?" "These are good pieces, I'll be back shortly." The clerk went in the back and came out with them in a blue bag. "She's a lucky lady," the clerk told Vincent as he paid for the jewelry. "Yes she's definitely worth it," Vince replied. He left the store and drove to the studio to meet with Shawn to record another song for a SoMo Sunday later on. He smiled to himself knowing she would love them.


Laurel and Marisol arrive at the studio early and sit in the waiting room. The receptionist sends them down to studio B where they enter the booth through a side door and get set up. Marisol shut the door and turned on her laptop. "Girl lighten up! You're singing a song about the man you love!" "I feel like he's here, Marisol." "Yeah right!, If he was then that would make me Marilyn Monroe." Marisol hacked into the recording studio's wifi/sound mainframe and cued up the music. "Mari what are you doing?" "Setting you up since he's not here yet." One would think that Marisol would've been recruited by the CIA for her skills intelligence. Hell maybe one day she could find the man who killed Tupac and Biggie Smalls.

"Remember now go with your gut and sing about the raw, uncensored sex you both had back in the day." "Sex with who?" "Vincent you dummy." "Thanks for keeping the mood positive Mari." "The music is cued up. I'll start it whenever you're ready." Laurel opened her notebook with the lyrics and Vincent's picture in it. She put her headphones on and told Marisol to press play. "Here goes nothing, she told herself. "Girl power Elle!", Marisol smiled and hit play. She took a deep breath as the music started playing and then started singing.

Verse 1: The slightest words you said/Have all gone to my head/I hear angels sing in your voice/When you pull me close/Feelings I've never known/They mean everything/and leave me no choice

Lead in: Light on my heart,light on my feet/light in your eyes, I can't even speak/do you even know how you make me weak

Chorus: I'm a lightweight, better be careful what you say/With every word I'm blown away/You're in control of my heart/I'm a lightweight/Easy to fall, easy to break/With every move my whole world shakes/Keep me from falling apart

- She smiled at Marisol and continued singing about the man she secretly still had feelings for. She realized that going to this concert would bring her out with other people and have a good time. Besides, she couldn't remember that last time she did anything fun.

Verse 2: Make a promise please/You'll always be in reach/Just in case I need/You there when I call/This is all so new/Seems too good to be true/Could this really be a safe place to fall

Lead in: Light on my heart, Light on my feet, Light in your eyes, I can't even speak/Do you even know how you make me weak, oh whoa!

Chorus is the same until the last line: Keep me from falling down

Bridge: Drowned in your love, it's almost just too much, handle with care, say you'll be there

11am -Vincent and Shawn head into the studio and head down to room B. "Really Vin? This couldn't have waited until after the concert?" "No I have to record this song now otherwise.." He paused hearing an angelic female voice singing. "Damn who is that? Is she signed to the label yet?" They enter the studio keeping the lights off and sit down. "Who?" Shawn had to keep his mouth shut otherwise his plan would fail. He was glad that Vincent wore a disguise so Laurel wouldn't freak out if she saw him. "One of my clients who needs to record something for her sister's wedding." "Whatever man just shut up and let me listen to it." "Who made you producer all of sudden?", Shawn spat back. "Dude calm down I just wanna hear Elle sing." "What did you say?" "Nothing." He couldn't believe that he said her name out loud. He needed to get Laurel off of his mind before the concert. They sat down in the dark and waited for the mysterious girl to be finished singing.

Outro: Oh I'm a lightweight, better be careful what you say, with every word I'm blown away, You're in control of my heart. I'm a lightweight, easy to fall, easy to break, with every move my whole world shakes, Keep me from falling apart...

Just before she said the next line she broke out in tears of happiness. Hearing it in her voice, Marisol was about to stop the song but waited for a signal. Laurel kept going knowing she was about to kill the end of the song.

Keep me from falling apart, Keep me from falling apart, oh falling apart!

Marisol ended the song and hit stop on the recording. Laurel couldn't believe she actually sang that song as well as she did. "How did I do?" "Girl give me damn hug, shoot you'll give Carlisle a run for her money! That was amazing!" Suddenly the main room lights came on and the girls turned around. Vincent froze when he saw Laurel take off the headphones. Shawn beaming, stood up and said, "That was outstanding!!" "Mr. Cook what do you think?" (It was Vincent's codename for when he was in disguise from paparazzi.)

He couldn't believe that she was actually here in the same room with him!! Half of him wanted to jump her bones, while the other wanted to yell at her for breaking his heart. He took a deep breath and said, "I definitely think we should sign her. She could do a great duet with SoMo at the concert this weekend." He hadn't meant to say the last part out loud. He couldn't think with her in the room. "I don't know about that but we'll see." "If you'll excuse me." Vincent ran out of the room and bee lined it to the restroom where he upchucked his breakfast. He had to get himself together otherwise he might not be able to pick a girl for a lead in his music video later. After he cleaned himself up he went to studio A and started playing around with some music he wrote. He turned onto the recording button and started singing.

Marisol could've sworn that Mr. Cook was SoMo, but couldn't tell. If he didn't leave the room so suddenly, she would've gotten a better look at him. Laurel didn't even notice the stranger as she was consumed with Shawn talking about contracts and possibly being signed to the label. "If you excuse me I'll be right back, oh and Lady J, you should definitely sign the contracts." Marisol put her laptop down and snuck into studio A. "These guys should get better security systems," she said to herself as she sat down in a chair in the dark so as not to disturb the singer. "I will do whateve it takes to get you back, and this song is a reminder of how much I still lo-care about you." Vince said outloud not realizing he already hit play. Marisol cocked her head to the side thinking that she heard it wrong. "Here we go." No shit!! That was Vincent Castellano!! He started to sing, "So honey now, take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart, I'm thinking out loud that maybe we found love right where we are." Marisol couldn't believe her ears! SoMo was Vincent, which meant that Laurel would meet him backstage!! She left the room not wanting to blow her cover. Laurel was in for the biggest surprise of her life.

Later that night the girls finished packing their bags, and put them into Marisol's car. In the morning they would drive down to Midtown Manhattan to checkin at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

I'll Hold You Dear (SoMo & Tiffany Evans) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now