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(third person POV)

"I told you a little about Gizmo at schhol, he's weird but cool." Sal smiled still hugging onto Travis and his arms wrapped around his neck.

"Yeah, he's definitely weird." Travis sighed. "How is that even possible?" he watched Gizmo bring a bag of popcorn into Sal's room. Sal giggled.

"I don't even know but it's pretty awesome, he even takes baths without any help." Travis looked at Sal with 'b...h what-' face. Sal looked at Travis, they were even since Sal was on his knees. They had that cringy but cliche moment wanting to kiss but yet again LARRY interups. "Dammit!"

"Chill I just wanted apologize." He gagged noticing Travis didn't have a shirt. Travis got insecure and covered as many scars, cuts, and bruises as he could. Sal saw how that hurt him.

"Larry! I get that he's a jerk but you don't need to be one." Sal looked at Larry and Larry looked down seeing the semi-large cuts, bruises, and scars that Travis couldn't hide or barely could get a bit of them to be hide.

"Oh FUCK! I didn't notice those! I swear!" Larry looked like he was just accused of murder when he was innocent.

"It's fine. I hate it too." Travis stood up, "I'll hang with Gizmo for a bit." He said as he put his purple shirt back on and started to walk to the room.

"Travis, dude I swear I didn't noticed." Larry grabbed his wrist, "Bro look at me." Travis's eyes widened and tried to get out of the grip, after a minute while Larry kept saying, "Dude please I didn-" Larry felt something wet on his hand and released and looked so it as blood Larry looked at Travis's wrist and his sleeve was a red tint. "Did I do that?" Larry Shouted in a panic.

"No I did." Travis said and walked into Sal's room as the blood dripped.

(_Travis's POV_)(Also Kimi Wa Dekinai ko is the refernce for this)

I sat down next to Gizmo and then memories came back for some reason but I don't know. 'I Just can't beleive how good for nothing YOU are, humility, monster, and honestly you're just a dirty and pathetic boy.' The words of my father starting to sink in again. 'Sickening and cry baby, you listen no MORE. I just can't believe how good for nothing you are! I need I remind you without me you'd be dead? Promise you that only I can save YOU boy! You don't have the time nor the brain to be patient though. You are such a "good" kid.' I started to cry as Gizmo handed me a piece of popcorn and layed on me so I could pet him. It was nice since father said I wasn't allowed pets, not under his roof. I soon stopped crying after petting Gizmo and sharing a bag of popcorn with him. Larry came in with a first aid kit and saw how Gizmo let him hold him.

"Dude, how? He doesn't even let me hold him." Larry's face was in complete shock.

"I'm good with animals I guess." I said as I was looking up at Larry. "Is that for me?"

"Yeah dude, you're covered in cuts that can get infected. I know I'm not Sal but can you take your shirt off?" He said opening up the first aid kit.

"Yeah, I guess." it felt awkward since he made me feel like I was hidous like that. I took my shirt off and Sal was at the door so nothing goes wrong. Larry counted my cuts and the ones on my wrist.

"Dude. You have 22 cuts on your body! That's way to many!" Larry Shouted and I jumped a little and looked to Sally Face to see he had discomfort and shock written all over his face.

"I-I, uhm." I was scared a lot more than before. "It's f-fine I'll just go." I stood up and paced to the door but only to be blocked by Sally Face.

"Travis sit back down and let Larry help you, please?" I was a softy for him.

"F-Fine I just don't want them to hurt." I sat back down next to the grease ball, he smelled, I had to suck it up to get better. After a bit I was all bandaged up, my cuts were clean, ALL of my cuts were clean and it hurt. Gizmo laid on me with his stomach up so I gave it a little sratch. Gizmo was purring, honestly I loved it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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