Second Questioning

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"Well Hello"he smirked, not recognising her at first as her hair was straight and she had to say she looked hot in her office clothes.

"Hello Draco" she replied, placing her hands on her hips with a raised eyebrow.

"Granger?...Wow puberty did you good" he winked, standing and walking around his desk to get a better look at her. "Could you turn around for a sec?" he asked cheekily.

"Why?" she asked curiously.

"because i'm now your boss and you need to do what i ask/say, now turn around"he replied, crossing his arms showing off his muscle and leaning casually against the front of his desk.

"Fine" she grumbled, before turning around and showing him her backside, not trusting him she turned her head to see where he was looking, seeing him staring at her ass.

"face the other way Granger"

"You know, seeing as we're going to be seeing alot of each other you might want to call me Hermione" she stated as she turned her head, letting her hair fall down her back where it eventually stopped at her hips.

She then felt him behind her, standing to close for her comfort and so she shifted, slightly nurvous.

"Now why did you come here for a job if you didn't want to see me?" he asked confidently placing his hands on her hips.

"I thought it might be easier to get a job because i have experience in each field and you're here so it may have been that much easier because you know how hard i work"she explained.

"Okay, why did you change your look?"

" i fancied something diffferent" she replied calmly.

"Good eneough for me" he stated in reply" you can answer questions and avoid distractions, and you're quite sexy if i must say, so yeah you get the job" he concluded.

"Thanks, i guess" she shrugged, going over to her desk and beggining on the paperwork he had left her.

"No problem Granger" he smirked, then grinned as she dropped a sheet before sitting and bent down, showing him her ass very nicely.

"so, what's with you agreeing to a stupid option like this?" she suddenly asked, reading through a document on her desk. "Do you read spanish?" she then asked.

"Only small simple terms and such why?" he asked as he strolled over and stood behind her, leaning on the desk with on arm and the back of her chair with the other.

"well this says 'Si nuestra empresa presenta por quiebra el director general o jefe de la compañía se celebrarán en falta y recibirá menos del 10 por ciento de los resultados de dinero.' meaning 'if their company files for bankrupcy the CEO or head of the company shall be held at fault and will receive less than 10 percent of money. So you've set yourself up" she explained, peering at him over her shoulder.

"Those aresholes!" he exclaimed" It's a good job you're here, will you come with me to them in five? i need to cancel appointments with jenene , can you collect all files to do with this case and anything we may need?" he asked hurriedly.

"sure" was her reply before she began shuffling papers.

They both hurried to do their tasks, each working well side by side.

"Ready?" he asked as she stood straight and held the folder she had just conjured and put the papers in.

"Yep, so what is this company you're dealing with anyway?" she queried curiously.

" They're big time investors for the company, if i can get them to make an appropriate deal with me then our company goods will be able to be sold over in spain."he explained calmly.

"Oh, well you know, if you went over to spain yourself and spoke with the companies there and also the supermarkets and such you would be able to sell your products over there anyway, without investors" she concluded with a smile.

"huh, i never thought of it like that, maybe i'll cancel the partnership" he thought aloud.

"you can't....the contract says that you have to be in partnership for atleast a year before it's terminated" she replied.

"Oh, damnit, oh well i'll have to bear with it then....So, how's the Weasle?" he spoke, glancing at her sideways.

"No idea, we broke up 2 years ago, my terms and he hasn't spoken to me since" she smirked" i honestly think he's being a baby about it because i called him boring and fat, but oh well" she then added as an after thought.

"Why'd you call him boring and fat?" he chuckled" i thought he was like the love of your life or something?" he added

"Oh well all he ever wanted to do was watch the stinking TV or eat or lie in bed, he began putting weight on so i dumped him, the pompous arse thought i was joking so i insulted him and told him he couldn't give me what i wanted" she explained

"And what do you want?" he quizzed softly.

" oh Merlin i want actual love not pretend, i want passion like a mix of fire and ice, i want funny, sexy, fucking mind blowing moments, and i want sex, not the making love kind but the rough and tough, down and dirty kind, the kind only couples who know every inch of one another have or the kind where you're still learning but it still brings you mind blowing orgasms, all of that in one relationship" she explained, her head tipping back.

"You know you're a lot more interesting then I'd have given you credit for" he smirked watching her as her eyes closed whilst she described her inner most desires.

"thanks" she chuckled, shifting the folder slightly. "So how's Scorpius now his mom left, i heard Astoria was being a bitch about how you found her in bed with Theodore Nott even though it was her fault" she questioned lightly.

"have you been stalking me through the papers Granger?" he smirked

"No of course not, it was headline news of the Prophet you know" she replied hurriedly

"Well, he's fine thanks for asking, i can't believe it but he's going to Hogwarts in two years, wants to be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin and says he doesn't care which, has it really been eight years since we've seen each other?" he explained before asking questions once again.

"Wow, i hadn't realised" she thought aloud wistfully.

"What's with the longing tone Granger? You missed me?" he cheekily asked, hearing her voice as clear as anything.

"Maybe" she winked" No really it's just where's the time gone? It feels like just yesterday you were insulting Buckbeak and i punched you" she chuckled.

" Oh haha, But really though? 'Foul loathsome, evil little cockroach'? How's that bad?" he grinned.

"How did you remember that?" she asked shocked.

" Just good memory i guess...Oh here we are, now remember with these types of things you dont say a word, you're just a pawn, unless it's to do with the language or you pointing out something on the files we have for the case you say nothing" he explained as they reached the office of their investors.

"Got it" she nodded before he knocked and entered, her following close behind.

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