A year later...

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"Happy aniversary hun" he winked, entering his office as he did every day.

" Happy aniversary darling" she grinned. "wow i can't believe i've been working with you for a year now, feels like such a short time" she then added wistfully.

" The time goes so fast...so whats planned for today?" He queried, changing the subject quickly.

"Well its the usual paper work, but now we can cancel that contract you signed for last year and then its to lunch with us for a celebratory dinner" she smiled, shuffling papers on her desk.

" Now Mia you know how i feel about this... you need to tell me when a lunch is a date" he grinned.

" Like i said the very first time we went out for coffee... i'll get back to you on that" she winked before they both set to work.

After five minutes Draco finally spoke up: " hey Mia?" He asked " can you come here for a sec?"

"Sure" she shrugged. "Whats up? "

" Oh nothing, i just need your fabulous language talents to check something for me" he smiled.

" Oh come on, i've been teaching you languages for the past year, you cant tell me you still need me" she smiled in reply.

" I'll always need you mia" he mumbled into her shoulder as she sat on his knee, as per usual.

In a weird way they'd become close over the past year, they'd at first developed a sort of friendship and then it had developed more so and they'd become best friends, they were inseprable, you'd never see one without the other now, even Ginny who Hermione had continued to have contact with over the past three years had noticed the difference in her friend, she seemed happier; even complete when Draco was around. He was good for her, and she him. On a Friday, one like today, they'd either be at Draco's home or Hermione's home, just watching tv or reading together; theyd even stay at one anothers if it got too late, of course they'd be in the spare room but still there never the less.

" Of course... okay so what is it you need me to look at? " She queried softly, scanning the papers scattered on his desk.

"Well, its not really the papers, i just wanted to talk to you about something" he stated calmly.

"Okay, whats up?" She asked once again.

" Well, there's this woman, i've liked her a while now, and i don't know how to tell her about my feelings, i dont know whether to run away from it or run with it, what do you think?"

" Well it must be some woman, you haven't dated in over a year" she smiled. " And i 'spose i'd have to say to run with it, i mean if you feel this strongly about her then talk to her about it, any woman who doesnt love you would have to be crazy, so kiss her, and if she responds she likes you, if not screw her " she grinned " now, are you going to tell me her name or will i have to wait until i meet her? " She smiled kindly, standing and walking to her desk slowly.

" You will find out soon enough boo" he winked.

" i still wanna know why you call me 'boo' you know, you've never told me" she smiled, sitting in her small chair as she made eye contact with the cheeky blonde.

" I'll tell you some other time okay boo?" he replied with a wink.

" Fine" she sighed before returning to her work.

" So, any plans for the weekend?" he then asked, breaking the brief silence.

" Nope, you know me Draco, i haven't dated in ages, if no ones caught my fancy so far they won't now" she smiled. " you?" She then asked softly.

" Well if all goes well with this woman then maybe" he smiled. " so, i've been meaning to ask... why hasn't anyone caught your fancy?" He queried slowly.

" Well... You see... there's this guy, i've liked him for a while now, but the thing is I don't know if he feels the same"

" Well have you told him your feelings?"

" No... Of course not! He'd obviously not return the feelings... I mean look at me! Seriously look at me! I'm hideous, no one could love this" she exclaimed, looking up from her work and gesturing to herself as she spoke.

" If any man doesn't love you or find you extremely beautiful and attractive boo then they're gay... remember that" he responded quickly standing and enveloping her in a hug as he pulled her to stand.

" You have to say that... you're my best friend, it's your job to comfort me like this" she grumbled into his chest.

" No i don't... i actually believe it, trust me... do you remember when you first came into this office?"

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

" I said, and i quote, that you looked 'quite sexy' so there, even i've said it to you and you know i wouldn't lie to you hun" he stated firmly.

" You annoy me sometimes" she grinned into his chest, hugging him tighter to herself.

" Love me really" he smiled, rubbing her back soothingly.

" Debateable" she winked, looking up at him before stepping back and sitting at her desk again.

" I wouldn't get to comfortable if i were you hun, it's just gone lunch...how about that dinner?" He asked with a smile, holding out his hand to her.

She took his hand with a smile and stood, grabbing her coat and purse.

" You might want to grab your jacket" she suggested kindly.

" Of course" he smiled in thanks, grabbing his jacket quickly and holding their office door open for her.

" Why thank you" she smiled, exiting the room and waiting for him to follow.

" No problem" he replied, placing his hand on the small of her back to lead her out. " So where are we eating today? " He then queried, giving her a curious glance.

" It's a surprise" she winked before taking his hand and tugging him out of the building.

They continued walking for a good ten minutes until they appeared at a park where Draco could see a blanket underneath a nearby shady tree, which of course made him grin.

" So i thought seeing as its our aniversary i thought something more private would be better, so i set this up...what do you think? " She asked nurvously.

" It's perfect boo" he smirked, sitting and pulling her onto his lap.

"Glad to hear it,I thought maybe you wouldn't like it I mean it's easy to have a conversation in an open restaurant maybe it's not as easy outside in Private under a shaded tree like this,do you really like it?" She asked in reply.

" Of course I do boo, I mean I like anything you'll set up you are my best friend after all you mean the world to me don't you ever forget that okay otherwise I'll start calling you Granger"he smirked back, pulling her closer to himself.

" okay let's get started shall we?"

" Sure"

They slowly began eating chatting animatedly as they did, each finding comfort in the others presence.

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