First Official Day

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"Morning Granger" Draco stated as he entered his office, Hermione already at her desk.

"Coffee's on your desk, the way you asked for it, Bagle's wrapped in a napkin to the right of it, to the left of it is all important cases that needed to be pushed forward for today, and in front of those are any files that can be sorted tomorrow or when finished with todays work" she explained as he took off his blazer and placed it on his chair.

"And what will you be doing whilst i do this work?" he asked with a smirk.

"Anything you ask and sorting through any files and checking any small prints to make sure the deal is fair for the company" she responded, patronizingly smiling in his direction before sipping her own coffee and carrying on with her work.

"Thank you" he stated with a smile, seeting himself and beggining work, his coffee in one hand and a pen in the other.

"You know Draco, it would be much simpler if you called me Hermione" she suddenly stated after five or so minutes more.

"How so?" he smirked, looking up from his work to make eye contact with the girl.

"Well, it would be alot more casual and would make it easier for me to work with you without being taken back to the war or our school days" she concluded in a bord tone.

" i didn't know it took you that far back" he worried.

"Oh don't worry it's not that bad, i just don't like to think of it, and i don't like to think of Harry and Ron" she replied, shrugging slightly.

"And why not? Aren't you talking with potty?" he queried, confused about the mention of Harry's name.

"Nope, he took Ron's side and abandonned me, so i haven't spoken to him in two years either" she explained nonchalantly.

"Wow, and they call him Golden Boy, can't even pick the right side in friends arguments, Merlin that must have annoyed you somet rotten" he smirked, walking over and leaning on her desk with his arms folded.

"Shouldn't you be working?" she smiled.

" I should, but i won't be, a conversation with you seems much less boring" he grinned, moving her files out of the way so she could look at him completely.

"Ok, So what shall be our topic of conversation?" she queried softly.

"everything" he replied, smirking at her look of confusion.

"Okay, what was your childhood like?"she asked with a smile, as she walked over to the filing cabinet and placed the ones she had just finished inside.

"Pretty boring actully, i had to read and have tutors, dont get me wrong i love reading but when it's a chore its horrible, i couldn't have any toys or anything, apparently a Malfoy doesn't play, it's beneath them" he explained calmly.

"Sounds, completely boring, but look who's the bookworm now" she grinned.

"Oh haha, so what about yours? what was your child hood like?" he quized.

"Well, all the other girls hated me, they thought i was weird because of my teeth and hair, and i didnt like toys, they seemed too childish so i stook to reading, my only escape from everything. I had a tree house that me and my father had made with our bare hands, took us 3 days, i was always up there on my own, or in the tower of it where no one could find me, was quite lonely but it didn't matter at the time, i knew i was not supposed to be in that world, so when i got my Hogwarts letter i was relieved, hoping something might be different" she described, her eyes misting over at the thought of her parents.

"Hey, why are you crying?" he asked, swiping his thumb over her cheek as a tear fell.

"I obliviated my parents before the war to keep them safe, and when i went to go find them they were in Australia, it was only after i arrived there did i find out they had died when an armed thief entered the house and shot them the day before, i haven't even told Harry and Ron about this and Merlin i miss them so much" she whimpered, shaking where she stood.

Surprisingly Draco walked over and enveloped her in a hug, soothing her kindly. She clung to him desperately, her whimpers turning to sobs as she thought more on the topic.

"I'm sorry, i shouldn't have brought it up" he whispered, holding her closer, her head resting in the crook of his neck.

"No, Draco it's fine really, just thank you for comforting me" she whispered, lifting her head to look him in the eye.

"No problem" he whispered in reply, smiling softly as he moved a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"Besides, i think i needed to get that out, no one knows but you and i now" she smiled softly in return.

"Wow, glad to know you trust me" he smiled. "Fancy going out for coffee for a bit? We're allowed a 30 minute break, so fancy heading out for a bit?" he asked softly.

"Sure" she smiled, before grabbing her jacket and purse. "so is this a date?" she giggled, smiling kindly up at him.

"That depends, if you want it to be, it will be, otherwise it's just two friends and work collegues going for coffee" he responded with a wink.

"I'll get back to you on that then shall i " she teased, hooping her arm through his as they exited the office.

Once at the cafe they ordered their drinks and found a table by the window, chatting fluently as they did.

"I've got to say as first days go this has been the most crazy and yet calm in it's own right, i didn't think working with you would be this easy" she grinned, sipping her tea occasionally.

" thanks for the vote of confidence " he smirked, chuckling lightly.

"You're welcome" she grinned, eating small bits of her cookie which she had just ordered.

"So, when was your last relationship?" he asked kindly.

"Hmm, about 3 months ago, dated around a bit the guy seemed nice enough but after a while he didn't excite me anymore so i ended it, he wasn't to happy but who am i to stay with someone who doesn't make me happy? But well that's about it" she explained" when was yours?" she then asked benevolently.

"mine was probably about 2 months ago, my tastes are quite...particular.. in a sense i won't date a woman unless she meets my needs, it may sound shallow but she has to look a certain way, has to have a brain, she cant be heinously moronic, and of course she has to be able to spark something within me, make me lose control you know?" he responded with a far away expression on his face.

"Amazing" she whispered inattentively.

"What?" he asked, returning to his senses.

" Oh, sorry, didn't realise i'd said that out load" she blushed "well, it's just you looked so pationate and i've never seen you so expressive in all my years, quite breath taking really" she then continued to explain, still blushing hotly.

" i hadn't realised" he mumbled, staring at her face absently.

"hmm" she cleared her throat, breaking the moment, " so, last relationship the last time you had sex or have you sold your wild oats?" she grinned cheekily.

" actually i've sold my wild oats, last shag was two weeks ago, some witch in a bar that i found" he smirked. "what about you?" he queried.

" 3 days ago, some asshole muggle in a bar, but he was fit so i let it slide, he didnt last long, about 20 minutes, worst one yet" she grumbled, finishing her cookie slowly.

"sounds horrible, i'd never leave you with such a disapointment, absolutely dreadful" he responded, almost discustedly.

"you'll have to prove that to me sometime" she jokingly teased.

" but of course, No woman should be left like that, so i'll need to offer my services" he winked over the edge of his cup, sipping his coffee slowly.

" obviously" she smirked.

They slowly stood and exited the coffee shop, heading towards their office and still grinning over their last topic of conversation.

In The OfficeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora