Sneak Peak: A classic adventure

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it's 3 am just have it ,, subject to change of course lol

part 2

"I got it, I got it!" Ray exclaimed. The sunny-yellow flying squirrel zipped through the air, aiming to get the swift UFO. The squirrel would've reached it;

If the UFO hadn't made a sudden turn. The poor squirrel slammed into one of the many pillars that lined the track. His black eyes spun cartoonishly dizzy as he held his already aching head. "I don't got it. . ."

"On your left, Sonic!" Mighty warned one of his companions. The little blue hedgehog's gaze was directed to his left, the direction he would soon be headed. Sonic's spines stood up with his panicked emotion. Spike balls were littered everywhere on the path he was headed. Not so gracefully, the blue hedgehog had barely maneuvered between the spike balls.

Successfully he was able to get past the dangerous obstacle. Sonic glanced behind his shoulder and sighed quickly of relief.

"Tails, we have seven seconds left!" [ Y/N ] reminded. Tails was the one on ring duty. The rings they collected fueled the Ruby's power for the pocket dimension to stay open for them. Without rings, time would run out. The Phantom ruby would close the pocket dimension, and they'd have to find another warp ring. "Affirmative!" The fox answered.

Tails scanned his surroundings fairly quickly. His eyes landed on a patch of rings. Around ten or so. That would last long enough until he came across the next patch of rings. That is if the Ruby was merciful them and provided anymore. Tails zoomed off the main course, jumping over gaps and holes the track had. Another hard to avoid obstacle.

With his short arms spread wide open, he ran into the bunch of rings. All the rings vanished into thin air with a satisfying chime, as well as the golden glittering glow they left behind in the air.

The kitsune looked around the track for his buddies. His eyes widened slightly upon seeing them. They were having some real trouble trying to get that chaos emerald.

What sounded like a helicopter's propellers was only Tails' tails spinning rapidly. In seconds the fox was already up in the air headed toward his friends. "Knuckles!" Tails cupped the sides of his mouth. Knuckles glanced over to his friend.

"Slow it down. I'll swoop in and get the emerald!" Tails instructed.

Knuckles looked around the track, seeing what he had to work with. Fortunately and unfortunately, the track was clear for now. Knuckles stopped in his tracks and turned around. His plan was to catch the UFO off guard. That would cause the UFO to try to turn around. Tails could have an open shot at getting the emerald.

After a minute of running as fast as the echidna's legs would take him, he could see the UFO unknowingly approach him.

"Tails! I'm gonna distract it, go for the kill!" Knuckles yelled between pants.

Knuckles charged straight toward it. The UFO tried to turn around, but the rest of the gang was already on its trail.

"Get it ! !" Mighty yelled. Ray wasted no time attacking the top of the UFO. The same with Sonic. "Now Tails!"

Tails swooped down and snatched the emerald out of the UFO'S claws. As soon as he did, the UFO disappeared and a strange noise played. Colors started to shift, and gravity was no longer with them.

- POP! -

The warp ring spat out all of the mobians onto the purple platform they found the ring floating above. They were all back to normal. Tails with his fire shield, Sonic with his regular shield, and Knuckles covered in thick oil.

". . .Alright, Tails!" Mighty cheered through the silence. Tails grinned goofily while holding the emerald. "Well, we all did it together. Right guys?" Tails looked to his friends that were sprawled on the floor. The look on their faces. They were traumatized

It was priceless.

Miles nervously laughed. He then turned his attention back to the armadillo. "Uh... So how many more to go, Mighty?" Tails' attention was more focused on the flaming shield that was around him. He held the glowing chaos emerald close. "If I'm correct, " Mighty paused. "Three!"

Everyone who was sprawled out on the ground groaned. Knuckles was probably on the verge of screaming his head off. Possibly shedding a tear.

The red Echidna pushed his body from off the ground. "I can't take this anymore! Isn't there a faster way? We should split up again." Knuckles rubbed his temples. The kitsune spoke up. "I think it's better if we stick together on this one. Although splitting can be efficient, it's not the right way to go regarding these."

Knuckles groaned. "Mighty, Ray, and [Y/N] seemed to be fine on their own--"

Before Knuckles could continue, he noticed Tails getting a little too close to him.

"Tails, you know I got dunked in oil a little bit ago so watch the shield!" Tails stumbled away. He completely forgot that he had gotten the shield. "S-sorry!"

[Y/N], Sonic, and Ray had finally gotten up from the floor. The poor blue hedgie could barely stand on his two feet.

"I think it's best if we get going guys. It's gonna get dark soon." Mighty pointed to the setting sun. Everyone agreed and walked toward the next platform.

okay I'm going to sleep lol


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