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"As you can see, because the two lines are forever parallel, that means that there will be no answer because they will never touch or intercept."

Morgana sighed quietly as the teacher continued to explain the parts of graphs and intersections. The whitenette already knows all of this curriculum and proposed to the school board to move him up to 9th grade,

but they declined because of "age issues".

Flashback: 1 week ago

"Can I skip 8th grade and be placed with the 9th graders?"

Morgana looked up at the high-positioned members of the school, who each took a chunk of their time to come together and meet with the prodigious whitenette.

"May I ask why?" the high counselor, Ms. Huang, asked and took a sip of her coffee.

"The syllabus right now... it's still too easy." Morgana responded slowly. "There is nothing new being taught... well, for me at least."

This time, it was the superintendent, Mrs. Yang, who chuckled at the whitenette's words.

"Student Morgana, you do realize that you're supposed to be a 6th grader, correct?" the superintendent mentioned and opened Morgana's school files. "You are currently 11, but you are already taking the same classes with 13 and 14-year-olds."

The whitenette stayed silent at the words of the superintendent. Of course, the real reason why he wanted to move up was because of his sisters, Aurora and Celestia. What he had planned was that once the school board agrees to put him in 9th grade, he would then propose to them again to be placed in 10th grade, where he will then be in the same grade with his sisters.

However, the boy seemed to meet an obstacle, as the school members' tone was not the one that he had hoped for.

"Morgana, when you first arrived at this school, you automatically proposed to us to move you up to 8th grade." the school principal, Mr. Zhao started. "No one in the history of Lungmen has ever done that before, but you showed us that you had advanced intelligence and abilities, so the higher-ups made an exception and moved you up from 6th."

"Can you... make another exception?" the whitenette asked shyly and looked away.

'CUTE!!!' Mrs. Yang and Ms. Huang both turned red when they saw the expression that the whitenette was wearing.

"Ahem- Student Morgana. Please keep in mind that we m-members also have rules that we need to follow." Mrs. Yang fumbled with her collar as she told the boy 'Shit, why is he so cute!??! I can't talk properly because of his adorable face!!!!'

"Morgana, we do praise you for wanting to test your limits. However, this is still a situation that we higher-ups must discuss privately." Morgana nodded at the principal. "As for now..."

"As for now, our answer will be no. But this decision might change, considering that it is you who made the request." the superintendent finished for the principal.

Flashback end

'Hmm... I really want to be in the same classes with Aurora and Celestia.' the whitenette gazed at the window. 'I feel a lot safer when I'm with them... this is... uncomfortable' the number of looks that Morgana was getting, literally, every girl in that class was blushing because of him.

"Now, who can tell me what this graph means." A picture suddenly showed up on the projector. It showed a single line that went through the origin diagonally. However, the whitenette noticed that the color of the line was... a blend.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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