Arc 2: Mad Mafia, Elegant CEO (34)

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The HQ is the highest skyscraper in the country. It is quite high but the view is worth it. Hong Cha waited inside Xu Qin Rui's office. Samuel brought her here to keep her from leaving. She looked around the sophisticated room before slouching on a couch and turning a tv on. Hong Cha watched the dog blood drama with little interest. Her eyes drooped a bit. She fell asleep in no time.

Xu Qin Rui arrived while loosening his tie. He saw the young girl sleeping on a couch as the drama continued. His lips hooked up. The reserved and prideful appearance he had started to change to a flirtatious playboy.

"Heavy..." Hong Cha woke up to feel the itchiness from her neck. Its warm and something heavy is on top of her. She opened her eyes and was shocked to find out Xu Qin Rui above her. His cold elegant hand caressing her neck with his dark eyes reflecting her astounded face.

"Miss Fencha, Im a bit tensed from the meeting a while ago. Why don't we have a session to calm me down?" he smiled deviously and placed his hand on top of her underwear beneath her skirt. Hong Cha raised her foot to kick him but he caught her ankle then removed her heel. Xu Qin Rui massaged her little foot for a moment. "What a naughty greeting. Does Miss Fencha want a punishment?"

"I-its in the middle of the day! Don't be this ridiculous!" Hong Cha sat up and closed her legs while her arms covered her chest yet it only squeezed her full peaks in a seductive way.

"Well, you seduced me first." Xu Qin Rui leaned closer to her wish his hand on the armrest. Hong Cha was cornered and no one can save her again. She just hopes Samuel will come to disturb him.

"Xu Qin Rui! If you dare to touch me, I will have Boss Bai and Brother Lou take you down!" Hong Cha tried to threaten him when he unexpectedly stopped. However, her relief didn't last long. Xu Qin Rui held her jaw tightly and forced her to look back to him.

"Well, well. The little dog is being disobedient. Should I place you in a doghouse? Or be an obedient dog again?" his tone was cold but gentle. Hong Cha gritted her teeth in anger. "If you're obedient, bark three times."

"..." Hong Cha.

This One will bark, your ass!

Still, Xu Qin Rui is the mad male lead. She cant go against him or she will really suffer the same torture Lou Fencha experienced. Thus...

"Woof, woof, woof!" she sheepishly barked. Her red cheeks from anger and tearful green eyes actually pleased Xu Qin Rui. He softly rubbed her head before sitting down.

"Good girl. Now lie down." he gestured for her to lie down on his lap. Xu Qin Rui finds it great to see her make that bullied face.

"This is too much! I want to give this guy a collar and turn him into a dog!!!" Hong Cha screamed in her head. She lied down with her lips quivering.

"Sir, Bai Zhang is here for a negotiation." Samuel said through the ear pod in Xu Qin Rui's ear.

"Oh. Guess what, Bai Zhang is here." Xu Qin Rui informed Hong Cha. She tried to sit up in shock when her hair got stuck through his belt.

"Ow." she groaned in pain before lying down again. Hong Cha looked around the room but there are no scissor or blades to help her out. "X-Xu Qin Rui, my hair got stuck. Take it off."

"Let Bai Zhang come over." he suddenly said. Hong Cha panicked and knelt down the floor. Xu Qin Rui raised a brow with amusement within his eyes.

"Xu Qin Rui, help me a bit. Untie your belt for a moment." Hong Cha used her watery eyes but Xu Qin Rui simply leaned his head on his hand and smiled casually. She forced herself then nervously held his belt. Hong Cha's hands trembled a bit since she never tried doing this before. Her face burnt in shame to see his little brother reacting at her movements. He's such a pervert!

"Hey, Xu Qin Rui!" someone suddenly barged in the room with Samuel behind him. Xu Qin Rui lazily glanced at the man standing across them. Bai Zhang froze in place to see a familiar girl kneeling in front of Xu Qin Rui.

"How to undo this? Quick, help me remove it." Hong Cha was unaware of how ambiguous her position is. She leaned down a bit but she failed to unbuckle his belt.

"Fenfen?!" this time, Bai Zhang raised his voice. Hong Cha was shocked and slowly turned behind her just as she finished undoing Xu Qin Rui's belt. Bai Zhang, the playboy prince of the underground world saw his little snowflake doing such thing with his enemy!

"Crap! Im done." Hong Cha thought. She quickly tried to arrange the lock back and stood up to face Bai Zhang. "B-Boss Bai, its a misunderstanding. Don't tell Brother about this, please!"

"Fenfen! Do you know how we worried for you?" Bai Zhang grimly strode towards her and grabbed her arm. He casted a dangerous look to Xu Qin Rui who also stood up and held her hand.

"Bai Zhang, don't treat her harshly." he pulled Hong Cha to him and daringly snaked his arms around her waist and shoulder. Her body was small compared to his so Hong Cha looked like a girl being hugged by a bear, a slim bear; if something like that exists.

"Fenfen, come with me. Your brother has been worried since yesterday. How did you end up here?" his question struck Hong Cha's bashfulness upon recalling why she became Xu Qin Rui's new companion. With her cheeks flushed, Bai Zhang had guessed Xu Qin Rui messed with Lou Fenbing's little sister. Well, it is expected since Lou Fenbing was sending assassins for reaping rewards in killing Xu Qin Rui but it failed countless times.

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