Chapter One

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Alfred was carrying his bags upstairs in a rush. It was his first time being in a so crowded place since he only lived in countryside with only his family and friends but now, he was in unknown. Different people who are not as the way he was used to. It was scary, he didn't want to admit but he was always liked and had a friendly aura around him, as he felt. The source isn't certain perhaps ignorance perhaps self awareness, he was confident of himself and believed he had this... spirit of charisma and charm that haunts him from the 60s.

He generally liked the place. It was colourful and people were rather cheerful. He couldn't wait to start his studies as a business major. Because they had a farm, Alfred thought he needed to learn how to make even more money out of this with mastering the business and art of deal. "Typical American" he would call himself, believing in himself and his dreams and manifesting it, not to mention his goals were about getting rich, he was truly an American.

The dorm's hallways were clean and had such nice, fresh smells. Alfred took a deep breath before starting to look for his room. "166...167... 168..." he passed the doors with those numbers. "169, bingo" he exclaimed and put a smile on his face, in case his roommate settled in before him.

He turned the doorknob with a bit trouble since he didn't want to put the stuff on the ground and pushed the door.

A tall, fair blonde hair man was standing infront of him, he was staring down to Alfred, like he entered his area without permission.

"Hey, I'm your roommate... mate." he smiled to make the ice melt even a little bit.

"Hello." he had a heavy accent, Alfred thought. Which was interesting he thought his accent was weird but hearing him almost made him excited.

"I already took the left bed..." he said with a rather colder voice and didn't move at all either.

"Cool dude, I'll take the right" he tried to pass his roommate but he was standing still, he was about to say something.

"You want my help?" he asked. It wasn't in a friendly tone, no, far from it. But Alfred has been deceived with this smile. "Of course," he gave the computer case to him and took off his backpack. After his roommate set his computer on the desk at his side, he silently went to sit on his bed and waited for Alfred.

Alfred was on the other hand, putting his stuff in drawers, it included a gun, wrapped in his underwear. He hoped it wouldn't be too obvious to his mysterious new friend and continued filling it in.

When he was done, he threw himself to the bed. He stayed like that a minute and realised he was being watched. He changed his position and laid on his chest, with a pillow he brought from home, his feet were at air. He was actually looking like he was out of a chick-flick.

"So, we haven't met officially... I'm Jones." He quickly took a cowboy hat from the bag which was standing next to the bed.

"Alfred Jones..." he squited his eyes, believing he left a good impression. But his roommate didn't seem to understood the reference.

"Ah... thats a nice cowboy name. I'm Ivan" Alfred just noticed Ivan was wearing a sweater and a scarf... in September. He decided not to judge and continued his questions

"I'm majoring in business, what about you Ivan?"

"Art..." he said silently like he was kind of ashamed. To encourage his new friend  Alfred enthusiastically asked

"Do you have any paintings here? I want to see them! I never met an artist before!" He jumped on his bed and then went next to Ivan "Oohh, your hands are also looks elegant, no wonder why you are so talented-" Alfred wanted to touch his hands but Ivan slapped his arm before he could. "I rather not to be touched.... Спасибо..."

He stood up and left the room and Alfred, who was quite shocked and couldn't understand the behaviour of his roommate or basically what he done wrong. People mostly liked him having physical contact with him while talking.

"Weirdo" he thought and started to get ready to go to student bonding building, to get his schedule

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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