What is shifting?

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All credit goes to @univxse.with.nance, @shiftingwithreya101, @sophieooby and @shiftingwithmell on tiktok.

Understanding shifting:

You have your consciousness which- by definition is your individual awareness. Your mind/brain/consciousness creates everything you feel/see/hear/taste etc...

For example, if you move your hand. You are able to do that because your mind is sending signals (or messages if you like) from your brain to your hand, allowing it to move and this correlates to the rest of your body {basic biology}.

So it's safe to say that the brain is your control center. It allows you to do everything that you do. We wouldn't hear if our ears didn't respond to our brain... we wouldn't move if our muscles didn't respond to our brain. Likewise we wouldn't see if our eyes didn't respond to our brain.

Our mind creates what we see... which is correct because we wouldn't be able to see if our brain didn't send our eyes signals. Leading to..... everything is the illusion of mental projection, we have come to label as what it appears to each of us.

For example, im sure you've heard of the thing where people wonder if they're seeing the same colour. If not, this is for you:

If you look at the grass and you see a particular shade of green, someone else might interpret it as another shade... we do not know who is right or if it is even the same shade because we can't describe colours and we cannot see through other peoples eyes. So we would never know if we were seeing the same colour.

This means that we all have our own universes. We all see things, we all perceive things the way our mind wants it to. Our mind confirms and affirms what we see and where we are so our mind projects what we inform and what we believe. Which is why manifestation works. If you confirm that youre going to find love and you manifest it and your brain eventually believes it it's going to project into your life. Everything is internal and you choose what you see.

Multiverse theory!

The multiverse theory states that there are an infinite amount of realities carrying out every single possibility. For example, you go to the shop and you buy 10 apples, there's another reality where you bought 20 apples or 50 and there is a reality where you bought bananas and there's a reality where you didn't even go to the shop at all.

Infinite amounts of things could have occurred however your mind chose to be aware of the reality where you bought 10 apples. This means, endless realities exist of you carrying out every possibility. They have already existed and always have.

Hence explaining marvel realities, hogwarts realities, anime etc...

My mind projected what i believe and i believe i bought 10 apples. Again your mind sends signals to your eyes which allow you to see what you want to see.

Back to understanding shifting:

Shifting (by definition) and shifting your consciousness to another reality, which seems really hard - i know - but if you think about it, you're just shifting your awareness to a different reality. So when you're shifting, it is all internal. Not external. You aren't shifting your subconscious across the universe, because you are the universe. Your mind right now is projecting what you have have affirmed to be this reality.

Again; your mind controls what you see. Thats why in shifting methods people usually use affirmations like, I'm in my DR, i look like 'this' and all that because our mind projects what we confirm. We also use our 5 senses when trying to shift because were tying to become aware of a deferent and specific reality.

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