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Credit goes to @univxse.with.nance on tiktok.

What is manifesting?
Manifesting is bringing things into your reality by using vibrational frequencies/ vibration levels.
Everything in this world vibrates at certain frequencies and the way you manifest is by getting on the same frequency which with attract it into your life.
You can manifest by putting yourself on the same frequency as your goal.

How do we do this?
A poplar technique is acting like you already have it. For example; when you get out bed in the morning, be great full it is already in your life. (Even if it isn't). Be the person you would be if you had that thing. How would you walk? Talk? Act? - make yourself that person who has that thing.

That is just one technique; others include scripting, journaling and meditating.

Here are some steps you can take to help you get started:
1) make sure you know what you want to manifest. You need to know exactly why you want this specific thing in your life. Ask yourself the following:
- do i really want this?
-how will i benefit from having this?
-when i think about having this, does it feel right?
-how will it be good for me and for others?

2) get rid of things that stand in your way. Keep an eye out for negative beliefs/ mindsets, toxic people and timing.

Negative mindsets:
If you are in a bad place emotionally, you need to get yourself into the right mindset before you can successfully manifest cannot be focussing on negativity and expect to attract good things into your life. Take sometime to look after yourself.

Toxic people:
Make sure no one is holding you back. This includes people who don't believe in you, always criticise you or complain about everything. These types of people can keep you from doing your best.

You need to patient. Everything you want will happen, but it will happen at the right time and for the right reasons. If something isn't happening for you right now, it doesn't mean it never will. Keep believing and working towards your goal.

3) visualise what you want to manifest. This is pretty self-explanatory but pur all your energy and concentration into seeing your goal with your mind, and let all the good feelings about it well up inside you.

This step works best if you do a multi-sensory visualisation; if you can see, hear, smell, touch and (if relevant) taste the outcome you're going to create. Make it as real possible, as if it is already yours.

4) take action to manifest what you want. There are some common reasons why you might not be manifesting. In particular, consider whether you're doubting the process; do you either not believe you'll get what you ask for because you don't think you deserve it, or perhaps doubt whether it's possible to manifest using the Law of Attration?

5) recognise and appreciate. The key thought here is that you need to fully appreciate what you have once achieve your goal. It ca be easy to forget that you asked for what you received, so take proactive steps to prevent this.

Raising your vibrations:
When you raise your vibrations, you shift to a higher frequency, this brings new possibilities to you, new realities. The faster you raise your vibrations, the faster you are able to manifest.

Here's how:
1) Become conscious of your thoughts, everything you think, say or feel becomes your reality.
2) Find something beautiful in the world and appreciate it.
3) Drink water. Mediate. Listen to music that makes you feel happy.
4) Be great full, practice acts of kindness (this reduces the toxicity of your thoughts).

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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