"Chapter 7"

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Daphne's P.O.V


"Fuck",I whispher.

"It's 7:30 o'clock I forget to turn on the alarm on my phone I'm late",I cover my mouth and gasped.

I quickly go to the bathroom and go have a quick bath.
When I'm done I jogg downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and open the fridge and get the cupcake.

"Hey",mum trailed her words while holding a cup.

"Bye mum I gotta get to school quick I'm late",I said kiss mum cheeks.

I jogg going to the garage...
I go get my bicycle.

I pedal fast...


I jogg along the hallway...

When I reach our room and I saw Mr.Parker starting to teach his lesson.

I knock, I clears my throat"Hi Mr.Parker sorry I'm late",I said and bit my lip.

"Your late!!!",Mr.Parker said while his hands is in his hips.

When I look at Talia.
Talia waves at me...

"Go to your seat",Mr.Parker said louding his voice.

I go to my seat while everyone is looking at me.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket...
I hid it under the table, I look at it.

Tristan: Do you have the cupcakes? ;)

Me:Yeah I have it , why do you have to text me were just like inches to say it or whispher.

Tristan: Mr.Parker might caught us.

Me: Yeah you have a point too, but stop texting Mr.Parker will caught us >__<

Tristan: Okay CUPCAKE ;)

I slide my phone to my pocket.
I cover my mouth with my hands...

"I can't believe that Tristan call me that",I said speaking through my mind.

"Stop it everyone can call you that",I said speaking to my self and stop.

*After Class*

"Let's seat there Daph",Talia said pointing on a seat.

"Okay let's go and eat some cupcake",I gritted my teeth.

"Hey",Tristan said waving his hands.

"Don't forget about me",Tristan said while walking toward us.

"Yeah,yeah",I roll my eyes.

"Let's just seat and eat the cupcakes",Talia rose her eyes.

Me, Tristan and Talia take a seat...

"Open it already",Tristan said rubbing his hands.

"Just wait",I rose an eyebrow while opening the box of cupcakes.

"There it's done ",I said and cross my arms looking Tristan and Talia eating cupcakes.

They look like kids eating a cupcake
I smirked.

"What?"Talia said while chewing.

"No nothing...",I shake my head.

After that they are done eating the 10 cupcakes...

"Done",Tristan said and burp.

"Sorry",Tristan shrug.

"It's Okay",I nod.

"Hey isn't that the Principal",Talia said pointing.

"Yeah it's Mrs.Anderson",I nod.

"Shhhhhh...Everyone I have an announcment",Mrs.Anderson shushing making all the students to be quiet.

"Were gonna have "Prom Night" so get ready with it ,after one week it's time for Prom",Mrs.Anderson said and smiled to all of us...

"Yeah",everyone said shouting.

"Oh Prom Night I'm so excited can't wait",I said rubbing my hands of being so excited.

"Yeah,I'm excited too",Talia said giggles.

"I wish someone will ask me to be his date",Talia said and pout his lips.

"It's okay",I said smiling and tapping Talia's shoulder.


"Hey Daph how's school",mum ask smiling.

"Good",I said smiling back and closing the door.

"And mum after a week we... are... gonna.... have... a prom",I said and sitting in the couch next to mum.

"Good ah",mum said sarcastically.

"Um...Don't you remember?",mum shrug.

"What is it?",I rose an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow is your birthday, Yey",mum chuckle and clapping her hands.

"Sorry mum even my birthday I forget",I pout my lips.

"It's okay Daph I know ",mum said.

"Mum can we keep this a secret",I said.

"Okay",mum nod.

Mrs.Reynolds ( Daphne's mum)

"Mum can we keep this a secret",Daph said.

"Okay",I nod, I hide my hands in my back, I cross my finger.

(Meaning: Mrs.Reynolds is not keeping that a secret she will tell that to Talia.)

"Mum I have to go to sleep, before I become late."Daph said and yawn.

"Okay",I nod.

I get my phone to the table on the living room...

I call Talia, Daphne's bestfriend...

"Hey Talia I have to tell you something",I said bitting my nails.

"Oh Hey Mrs.Reynolds, what is it?",Talia ask.

"Tomorrow is Daphne's birthday, can you make her so happy tomorrow",I said.

"Okay Mrs.Reynolds",Talia said.

"After your class take her everywhere she never been",I said.

"How about in a club, she never been there though",Talia said.

"And Mrs.Reynolds we don't have class tomorrow it's Saturday tomrrow",Talia extended.

"Okay, that's kinda pretty good",I rose an eyebrow and pout my lips.

"Um... Daphne is gonna be 18 tomorrow right",Talia said.

"Yup",,I said poppong the "p"


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