"Chapter 8"

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Daphne's P.O.V

As I woke up I cover my eyes because of the light coming from the window...
I look at the calendar...

"It's my birthday",I yawn.

I go downstairs...

"Goodmorning mum",I said running my fingers in my hair.

"Goodmorning too Daphne, Happy Birthday",mum said smiling while putting the pancake in the table.

"Thank You mum",I said smiling back.

"Mum did you keep the promise",I rose my voice.

"What promise? Of course Daphne",mum said smirking.

"Mum did you tell anybody",I cocked an eyebrow.

"No Daphne",Mum shake her head.

"Mum can we go shopping?",I said.

"Okay, it's your birthday though",mum nods.

"Yey, thank you mum",I said standing in my seat and hug mum.

"Okay eat your pancake",mum said pointing.

"Mum can we go shopping after we eat breakfast",I pleaded.

"Okay",mum nods.

"wot...wot",I said shouting.

Mum smirked..

*After eating breakfast*

I go to my room to get ready...

I go to my bathroom and take a bath.
I go to my wardrobe...
I put blush, mascarra, and a little lipstick in my lips.
I put my clothes on...(Shopping Clothes)

I jogg downstairs...
I saw mum, sitting in the couch.

"Um...Let's go",I said slinging my bag to my shoulder.

"Okay", mum nods and standing.

Mum and I go to the garage...

"Mum can I drive",I murmured.

"Do you have a license?",mum furrow an eyebrow.

"Um...none but I can drive though",I mumble.

"No license...no driving now get to the passengers seat",mum said pointing.

"Ugh...",I groaned.

*While Driving*

"Mum",I mumble.

"What is it Daph?",mum said.

"Mum, do Harry still know me If he will come back?",I pout my lips.

"I don't know hun, but I know that Harry will still know you because of your beauty",Mum said take off her seatbelt and lean over to me and kiss my forehead.

"Mum...", I said glaring at her.

*After the talk*

"Were here",mum said parking the car.

I take off my seatbelt and get my pursed beside me, I get out of the car and closing in the slam way.

"Hey be careful",mum said .

"Yeah...Yeah...",I nod as I roll my eyes.

"Mum can we go to the Forever 21 store I'm just gonna buy some new clothes",I said.

"Okay let's go",mum said slinging her bag to her shoulders.

"Mum your treat",I said pointing at her.

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