"Chapter 13"

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*Daphne's P.O.V*

"Morning." Someone said but It sound familiar.

I open my eyes and I saw Tristan facing me with a smile in his face.

"Mornin', Um... How do we get here?" I ask sitting up.

"You got fallen asleep in my arms." He mumbles.

"You should've wake me up." I frowned.

"Well I don't want to disturb you." He shrug.

"Okay... But where's mum?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't know when I get you here, your mum is not here either." He shrug.

"Maybe with her friends." I said.

"Let's go downstairs and get some breakfast." I said standing up from bed.

"Okay." He nods.

I go downstairs and go the kitchen.

I make some coffee for Tristan and me.

While making some coffee Tristan wrapped an arm around my waist.
And I turn around to him and wrap my arm around her neck.

"Hey do you remember what day is it?"He furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" I said.

"Tonight is our prom." He said.

I gasped. "No freaking way, I thought it's gonna be after next week."

"Talia just text me that the Principal just change the schedule." He said.

"But why does she know that the Principal change the schedule." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"That's what I said when I ask her too. But she said that she just get some files in the school and then she heard that the Principal and some teachers talking 'bout that." He said.

"Okay." I nod and peck Tristan on his lips and I started to make the coffee.

I sat on the couch with a cup of coffee while Tristan is watching t.v .

I sat there in a silence for awhile, as I fiddled with my fingers.

If you guessed it, I was still thinking about Harry.

It was maybe time to...Let go. Let go of everything that I used to have with him.

But it was hard to let go of someone you had that really great brother and sister relationship with. It was really just though. You have no idea.

I slip my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it, and opening up my addiction, Twitter.

I pulled up Twitter, scrolling through a few tweets, and retweeted a few.

One read, 'Missing your bestfreind is the hardest thing to deal with.' And I immediately tap on it, reblogging it.

I then checked the latest trends.

I scrolled through few more tweets done by some really famous people like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, and...

'Harry_Styles' was the next tweet.

I bit my lip, being brave to tap on it.

'@ Harry_Styles: #WhereismyDaphne?' It said, and It had a picture of him with a pose of shrug? attached on it.

I frowned. Really?! He just remember that right now?! Okay I'm angry.
Okay. Wow

I was just so angry, I couldn't stop my fingers from replying to the tweet.

"Don't Let Me Go" H.S Fanfiction"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora