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Ok....I can see y'all not liking the ending...LIKE A LOT

I'm just saying JEEZ PEOPLE IM SORRY your probably thinking

Why did I end this story like this? Am I stupid?

Don't deny it you all thought it :p

Anyway here's my reasoning why I wrote this story's end.

Ok, so all these fanfics have endings like OH HAPPILY EVER AFTER YAYYYY or Awww hanji dies or Levi does sadness well yeah almost all those fanfics end like that right?

Well I haven't read a story where it actually goes in debt of how most RELATIONSHIPS don't end at all....

Of course I have no where to talk considering I've dated two people (not gonna go into detail of that)

But honestly around my family and just life in general not all relationships are....well good...we have heartbreakers and abusers and well crazy ass people

ANYWAY ANYWAY, I'm loosing the topic.

I decided why not have an ending where it didn't work out? You see I was originally going to kill levi by suicide but that ending would have sucked sooo I didn't so I did that it didn't work out because THE REAL WORLD SUCKS MAN.

So yeah but I never said THEY WOULDNT GET BACK TOGETHER IN THE FUTURE I just said maybe so y'all can just imagine that if you want.

But then again it's a story y'all there is OBVIOUSLY much better ones then this one because I'm started to feel really disappointed about how it ends.

BUT you guys as readers are my ideal critiquers (if that's even a word) I use y'alls feedback for future stories and stuff so as always appreciate the feedback AND I KNOW I KNOW some of the Feedback is welllll harsh but it's ok because harsh feedback is the best in my opinion.

So ya I guess that's my reasoning I'm sorry to the people who didn't enjoy the ending and well ya that's that.

So for you people who DIDNT LIKE THE ENDING

I can give you the option of

•I can make an alternate ending where they stay together I guess. I mean what else am I gonna do because I feel like you guys are very passionate about how sucky this ending was. I mean can't blame ya I would be kinda pissed too but again I'm used to sad shit.

Anyway that's kinda it so if you guys really want an alternative ending I can do that.

But ya that's it hope you guys have a great day.

(Also ps, if I sound like I'm frustrated lol I'm not, this kind of stuff doesn't really bug me, but I just had to let y'all know


Anyway bye)

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