Demons of the Past

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"Stay away from the door, and interlock your fingers behind your head. We're coming in." The command, familiar to me at this point, causes me to raise an eyebrow in mild surprise. I either have an inspection, which is unlikely, or a visitor, which is even more unlikely. Standing up from a not-so-soft bed, I follow the directions, interlocking my fingers putting them behind my head. My orange prison uniform, loose fitting on my 5'8" frame, rests on my shoulders as the guards enter. Staring at them out of my good right eye, my left eye being covered by a simple black eyepatch. But it doesn't really cover the nasty, 6 inch long vertical scar on the left side of my face. My long green hair, currently pulled back in a short long ponytail, hasn't been cut in forever. 

The guards pull my hands down in front of me, and put me in quirk-suppressing cuffs, and begin to move me out of the cell. The other inmates, not one over the age 18 all stare at me as I'm walked down the hall. I ignore them for the most part, save nodding a single red-haired boy who has yellow widened eyes as I'm taken off. 

"Okay, so this isn't an what is this?" I ask, looking at the guard to my left, who I recognize, and know quite well. Andreas Chavez. A 6'1", 210 pound human of pure muscle. He's from America, born to immigrant parents, and is tri-lingual. Japanese, English, and Spanish. He decided to teach me and a few kids a bit of both, because he claimed they're both very common languages in both Europe and the Americas. He has his black hair cropped short to his head, and his brown eyes are intelligent and sharp. 

"You have a visitor. I can't really tell you much more than that, sorry." Chavez says, and I raise an eyebrow

"I've never had a visitor. Why would I have one now, after being in and out of this fucking place for 6 years?" I ask, and Chavez sighs

"Look, I don't control what happens in this place, and you know it. So don't ask me." He says, and I groan. 

"Right......don't ask, don't tell." I mutter, as I glance down at my scarred arms, the nasty purple and red burn marks marring my forearms and a bit on my upper arms. I clench my hands, one of which has a large X carved into it. 

I'm walked towards the edge of the facility, known only Correctional Facility #42, a.k.a 'Steel Wall', in reference to the shiny metal exterior walls of the place.  Anyone who's been in for a crime, one way or another, leaves eventually. Either they go to a real prison, or they get released. I got 30 years total for my crimes. Two accounts of attempted murder, two accounts of aggravated assault, and 1 count of arson. As it turns out, setting a house on fire with two people inside is frowned upon. Who knew? Anyway, the people I tried to put six feet under ended up surviving, and well, I got sent to jail. 

I'm taken into one of the visitor's room, really just a table bolted to the ground with a steel bar bolted to the steel table, and a pair of metal chairs inside. Grey cinderblock walls, concrete floor, two armed guards in opposite corners. Both of them are carrying semi-automatic rifles of some kind, though I can't quite ID them. Chavez attaches my cuffs to the bar, and walks out, nodding at me before he does. 

I sit silence for a few seconds, before drumming my fingers on the table while waiting for my visitor. I wonder who it could really be. It's not Dad.......not Mom.......but who?

"Be careful with him, Mr. Nezu. He's not exactly stable...." I hear a voice I vaguely recognize speaking as the door opens coming in from the visitors side opens. 

"It'll be fine, Doctor Anazuki! I think I'll be safe. You trust your guards, right?" A squeaky voice, that does not command the name 'Mr.Nezu' responds, and the door closes. After a few light footsteps, the chair across from me is pulled back, and a figure climbs into the chair. 

I'm a bit surprised to see a white chimera of a creature about the size of a 6 year old with a scar over his right eye, dressed in a suit. 

"Hello! I am Nezu! I am also the Principle of U.A! Your name is Izuku Midoriya, correct?" The chimera asks, in a voice like he's talking to a child. I feel an eyebrow twitch as I lean back a bit from the table. 

Demon of U.A. (IzuPony)Where stories live. Discover now