Chapter One -The Fall-

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                           "I'm leaving," I announced bluntly in private to my brother.

                           His ice blue eyes froze and cued in on me.  Kael's face showed with concern and curiosity.  He folded his silver wings back.  I bowed my head to let him speak.  

                                "When?" was all he asked, not moving a muscle but his lips very carefully, making the simple one worded question sound like a story.  

                                   "Tonight.  Can't waste my time.  Wasting time is risking getting caught," I whispered.  "Any longer is time wasted."  my heart soared the way I wish my wings could right now.  But I had to tell my brother before I left.  

                                                  Kael's face soften and smirked.  If anyone knew me better than him, let me be damned.  "Are you sure?" He took a deep breath, "You won't be called back.  The consequence for if you get caught is-" he couldn't finish.

                                              "Danyal..." a female cried coming closer.  Kael showed no emotion in his face.  I tightened my jaw.  Neither of us dared to say the first word.  No clue to what she has just heard. The angel who stood before us is one of the heavenly angels, including me.  She tucked one of her blond locks behind her ear, "How do you expect to get away with this?" Anastasia dared me to answer.  I held my wings in a strong and his pose behind my back.  Keeping a straight face, daring her to rip my wings out and do away with me.  Present me on my knees before The Great One and force me to resign with Lucifer.   She smiled back at Kael who had an evil smile on his face.  What was happening?  I don't know.

                                                    "If you won't tell me your plan Danyal, I will tell you mine.  Gather four of your most trusted angels and meet me here, midnight." with that she was gone.  Kael and I gave each other a look and parted way.  He took flight to wherever he goes these days.  

                                                      Heavens a nice place.  Humans pray to God to be accepted to such a place.  They all think Hell is a burning flame.  It's a side, a lifestyle to live by.  In the beginning Heaven was the only place.  Was smaller back then but just the same.  Then angels started to get their heads out of the clouds and wanted different things than want what The Throne intended for us. Angels who sided with Satan followed him to Hell.  One third followed Lucifer in the fall and the remaining third stayed with God.  Balance was maintained that way.  Till a few years ago.  The angels who followed Lucifer to Earth were pulled back to Heaven.  

                                             I had wanted to fall.  I don't believe in what The Great One intends for us to believe in or what Satan stands for.  But I couldn't leave my position as part of the heavenly twelve.  My wings feel heavy.  They're a job to carry around everywhere I go.  Five and a half feet tall and fifteen feet wide when extended- each.  I sat down on a marbled bench.  Nothing and Nobody seemed to be in motion.  Everything was a blur in my head. I had to meet Anastasia in a couple hours with three of my most trusted friends.  or find somebody with the same beliefs at least.  And I had to get to Cheyenne before too many years passed.  Sitting here was wasting time.  Gabbe was the first angel I needed to talk to.

                                                                         *         *         *        *      *

                                           The Library was magnificent.  Books and Books filled golden shelves.  Just one huge room, you'd have to fly to reach the top shelf.  It was almost empty today, except for the regular angels who are always in here.  I quickly beat my wings to move to the other side of the room.  Gabbe is in the little room in the back.  She worked as the single Librarian here.  She put away all the books here and checked you out all by herself.  Made it look easy.  It surprised me how many religious books we had.  We don't have many books written by humans.  Most of it is by angels.  Not a lot of stories, lots of documents though.  Books about the fall, angels, the lord, history books.  There used to be more.  But there was a huge war, the one after Satan, that destroyed a lot of the books.  

                                                    I knocked three times on the thick cherry wood door.  Her name was carved into the door with her position.  "Gabbe Rosen; Librarian".  Not much, but she sure was proud of it. She opened the door, her long auburn hair curled around her waist in perfect ringlets.  She had very petite, but powerful cream colored wings elegantly tucked behind her.  "Hello Danyal," she smiled up at me, "Looking for another book?" she stepped out of her office and shut the door behind her.  Gabbe used to be the second closest angel besides The Throne. Since Lucifer left she's now the first. Part of the Seraphim rank, known as the "burning ones" since their so close to God.  I'm the fifth closest.  I don't know how she'll handle leaving.  Another all powerful angel leaving to fall to Earth, I don't know how she'll take that idea.  Gabbe will be another noticeable missing angel that will draw attention to the plan.  But she knows about my desires for Cheyenne, and she is very fond of her.  I could at least tell her my plan.  

                                                   "I need to talk to you," I said gesturing toward her door.  She took a moment to look around at everyone.  Nobody else seemed to need her.  Gabbe stepped back opening her door letting both of us in.  She carefully closed her door, keeping her back to me.  I took a seat on her floral pink love seat.  I sat on the edge, I was on edge about this whole thing.  I held my hands together tightly between my legs.  My head hung forward a little bit.  Her chair creaked as she sat in it behind her desk.  Crossed her legs and leaned back, waiting for my news.  What I needed so desperately to ask her.  Made me sweat thinking I had to do this three more times after this.  "Gabbe..." easy way to start.  I stood up, sitting was overwhelming.  Need to be able to move.  I paced back and forth her eyes never leaving me.  "I going to be declining my place from Heaven."

                                               "What are you talking about?" she laughed a little, "Where do you think you're going to go?  You do remember you're an angel right?  No where else to go." Then she looked a little pale, "Oh Danyal...please don't tell me you're siding with Satan" she covered her mouth with both hands and watched me.  

                                               "No, no.  I'm siding with Lucifer.  What he did is a sin I too have commited.  I agree with what he believes in.  How is love a sin Gabbe?  Something so wonderful.  That makes you happy.  Love shouldn't just be for God.  I should be able to love whoever I want.  I'm in love with a human.  Rip my wings out for it, not my heart"  I confessed.  

                                            She didn't say anything for a moment. "Why are you telling me this?  You know the gates from Heaven and Earth are locked.  No one is allowed past them.  The only way down is to fall straight down, and hit that cold hard ground.  It takes 9 days to fall."

                                               "Anastasia is helping me.  She was once part of the Virtues, she knows ways to get to Earth." Virtues are Angels of Grace who brought God's blessings to Earth.  Them like many other ranks have been eliminated due to the law that angels aren't allowed to Earth anymore. "Just please show up tonight at midnight at Anastasia's.  Help me Gabbe." I pleaded.  She bit her lip and nodded.  I hugged her and was on my way to find the others; Ariel, Sammael and Jace.

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