Chapter Two -Fly-

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                         All the angels I asked to join me agreed.  We sat huddled around Anastasia's living room.  The door locked and the blinds pulled shut.  Kael, cool and collected was saying something to Gabbe who looked like she was about to puke.  Ariel and Sammael were bickering about something.  Sammael would say one thing with his eyebrows pulled together, thinking hard.  Ariel would look surprised then snap something back at him. Jace sat silently, glancing at everyone. His brown eyes making their way around the room.  Trying to lock eyes with someone to say something.  I don't understand why I had to gather all of these people. I wanted to be gone by now.  Anastasia walked into the living room, I have a feeling she's about to tell us why I had to get all of them here.

                                  "Danyal, you are single handily going to start a war if you do this." She threatened me. I never looked at it this way.  What I was doing, other angels wanted.  Half of the angels in heaven had what I'm going for till they got pulled back.  I am the beginning of a war.  "I don't know when it will start, but be ready.  You can not be the only angel down there when it does.  You will be executed.  This is the start of our army.  If you don't want this, leave." A moment of silence was given to anyone who didn't want this.  To start another war.  Jace rocked his feet back and fourth, thought he was going to say something.  Or leave.  But nobody did.  They all stayed.  "You swear an Oath to Danyal, that you will never disobey his trust and will stay true to what we are fighting for.  

                                     I cut the palm of my hand, along with everyone else.  They took a blood oath to me and swore of their lives they would stay by my side.  We leave tonight. 

                                      "Remember, when we get down there; we are only fallen angels.  Not demons.  The only sin we're committing is love."

                                                                          *        *       *        *      *

                                        I felt like I was standing over my own body, watching it burn.  In complete and utter terror, all I can feel is the pain and dizziness.  All I could do was watch but not control my own body.  I had to get up but I couldn't.  I have fallen.  I rolled over onto my stomach, off my wings.  Pain shot through my body, I attempted to cry out in agony.  One of the girls were screaming.  Her shrieks sliced through my head like razors.  I could have promised that someone else was puking.  I took a deep breath and pushed myself up off the ground.  I can't describe the pain my body felt just having to stand up.  My vision is blurred, but I made up a boy with blond floppy hair with dark blue wings laying on his stomach, that's Jace.  Ariel was the one screaming, she looked like a mess.  Her short dark red hair was knotted and clung to her face, a few of her maurune feathers had fallen out around her.  Poor Gabbe, was puking.  She was still laying down on her side puking.  Anastaisa was struggling to get up, she didn't look to be in too much pain.  Sammael and Kael looked as if they were already here.  They were already standing and talking.  They both had fallen before.  I guess pain like this numbs you for if you ever have to do it again.  

                                           "Where are we?," my voice came off as a weak whisper and broke.  Could they hear me over Ariel's screeching?  Suddenly my mind felt invaded, heavy like everything was pushed to the side to make room for someone else.

                                               "Mount Sinai. The site of the original fall.  How are you brother?" I could hear Kael's voice in my head.  My heart rate picked up, I have knocked myself crazy.  "Relax.  It's a power we are possessed when on Earth.  Can speak telepathically.  It won't be so invasive after you're used to it.  Can be done to humans too, that's what it's originally for.  Try it.  Just imagine your words in my head and they will find their way to my mind". 

                                                    Kael. Kael.  Kael.  Kael.  I tried to put his name inside his head.  I couldn't find the difference between my thoughts and speaking telepathically.  I tried to imagine myself throwing the words into his thick head.  Maybe that's the problem, his head is just too thick.  "Kael thick head" I felt a smooth bridge like formation from my head to his that carried the words over. His face turned up right and he started to laugh.  

                                                       "Try a complete sentence next time.  Help me help everyone up. It's Sunday, you have school tomorrow Danyal"  School?  I've never been to school before, or even witnessed any of it.  I have never left Heaven.  "I swear, you fell like a girl.  We're all going with you.  You'll be going to Cheyenne's school.  You think she's really going to talk to some stranger who comes up to her on the street.  This is the year 2013, and you're still living in B.C.  Adapt, and adapt fast.  You should have some insight, you've watched over her through every decade, just act along with her".  He had a point.  

                                                  Sammael helped Anastasia up.  Jace managed to get up on his own.  Kael comforted Gabbe.  I made my way over to Ariel, she was shaking and screaming still.  She must have an everlasting supply of air in her lungs.  I bent down and petted her back.  "Shhh, you're not alone." I whispered.  I smoothed her wings out for her.  She carefully opened her dark pink eyes and looked up at me.  Wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up.  Everyone was up.  I put Ariel next to Gabbe, they hugged each other and started talking.  Over on the edge of the field stood Kael and Anastasia, I assumed making new orders for what we're about to do next.  

                                                        "Excuse me," I looked over at Jace.  He was rocking and forth on his feet again. "What...what are we going to do about....about clothes?"  He asked me.  I know this mission is for me in a way, but I don't have any of the answers for these angels.  But he had a point, and now the question was in my head.  Seven of us stood on top of Mount Sinai completely naked. Clothes were important in this day of age.  If we were in Rome a few thousand years ago, we'd be OK to show up naked.  But no, this is like Kael said, 2013, where fashion is a big deal.  

                                                         "I have no idea Jace." we both stood there looking at Kael and Anastasia talking.  How long we're those two going to talk?  I figured in the time we had to wait I'd show Jace and the other's how to talk telepathically.   After what seemed like nine more days the two joined us once again with a set of rules;

                                                      The first rule is to always keep you're wings tucked inside.  You are never to expose them to humans.  The second rule is to tell no one we are angels.  Both of those rules we all already knew. And the third rule is that we'e all from Russia if anyone asks. Those were the only two real rules.  Everything else was like a guide line, we all have to get clothes, we have to find a house to live in all together, and we're all attending school.  We we're all assigned the grade we are to be in.  Gabbe; 10th grade, Ariel; 11th grade, Sammael; 12th grade, Me; 11th grade, Kael; 11th grade, Jace; 10th grade, and Anastasia; 12th grade.  All of this is a lot more work than I intended for.  

                                                                       *      *      *      *      *

                                                We managed to make it out to Wyoming, in America by 9 P.M.  Then we went shopping.  Gabbe, Ariel, and Anastasia like most girls seemed to really enjoy it.  I thought it was exhausting.  Mentally exhausting anyway.  We had to mind trick several people that we were wearing clothes and giving them money.  We walked out of the mall with bags and bags and bags of stuff.  After that, we spent the rest of the night building a log cabin.  It was tiny, but cozy.  Everyone was talking and laughing.  This was amazing for them.  But we had just broken one of the 10 commandments, we stole from those stores.  We made them believe they were receiving money from them.  I sighed.  Things are going to be different from now on.  I stood up and joined everyone in the fun.  

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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Angels Fall Sometimesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें