Chapter 2: Lost in the Moon

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She turned to him and pointed at his vodka. "Can I have some of that?"

He looked to the bottle then to her "... you sure you want some..? your still a lady...” he took a drink from his cup and grabbed another glass pouring some "... careful with it...”

"If you don't want to give some to me, then just say it." she leaned on the couch and closed her eyes. She desperately wished she was home.

".. no.. ill give you some.. just wasn’t sure if you knew what you are getting into with this . . looks like we are stuck her for tonight.. its going to be dark soon."

She was about to say that it was already dark when she realized that the whole time, there was no sun but only moonlight and now the moon seemed to darken into something called night. "I'll take it." Even she wondered why she asked for the drink in the first place

He handed it to her and took a drink of his again, watching her carefully "...its strong.." He looked to the moon again and shook his head ".. hmm long ways from home.."

"What's supposed to happen if I drink this. . .?" she asked before tilting the bottle into the cup and pouring it into her mouth.

He watched her drink it shaking his head ".. its a strong alcohol.. it will make yea do things you normally wouldn’t.. if your not used to drinking it.. careful.."

She felt heat spreading all over her body. she tilted her head to one side and poured more vodka into the cup. "Really? I'm not doing anything . . ." she drank the cup again.

".. hey.. not so much.. sigh.. hmm great.. I hope I don’t regret this night.." he poured himself more, figuring he would join her

Her thinking started to get a bit fuzzy. "Um, you know . . ." she said, pouring some more. "This drink is actually nice. My mom forbids us from drinking anything like this. She said it's bad but hah, it's not." she raised the cup. "Cheers . . ." her voice was starting to get husky

He smirked and raised his, clicking glasses and downing it he tried to get up "..wells... we’s needs a place to stays..." sways "..bests finds one nows.." grabs another bottle to take with

She laughed. "No one is here, remember?" The bar has no bartender and there was no doors in sight. "We're stuck here . . .which is really frustrating"

He smirked as he swayed some ".. yea.. but I would rather pass out in a room wheres I can lock the door then in heres.." he smirks " .sides.. beds better than the floor.." blinks leaning to one side some, reaching for the bar almost missing it

"I guess, a floor is not exactly comfortable to lie on especially . . ." she tried to stand but lost her balance and fell into Jess. She laughed. "this drink is making everything blurry."

" thats another one.. " he smirked and helped her balancing each other as they walk looking for a room

They were about to enter the part where she went to earlier. She stopped and held Jess back. "We. . we can't go there . . " everything was swimming in and out of focus but her fear overwhelmed the effects of the drink

He nodded and turned, going down the other way ".. I.. I think I saw a master room.. down this ways.." holds up the bottle ".. party in the master room!!"

"Yeah, party!!" she felt as though she was going some kind of trouble but she shrugged it away. She felt light and free and swaying some, she followed him into the master room.

He shut and locked it, bouncing on the bed and opening the bottle, taking a drink and passing it to her ".. your turn.."

She grinned and drank from the bottle. She started jumping on the bed, "awOOOooh,"

"..don’t fall!" drinks some, taking off his cloak and shirt, his dark grey wings showing

She paused as she saw his dark grey wings, "Those wings . . ." she pointed then jump some more on the bed, managing to get behind him. She reach out to hold unto the wings and began to jump some more.

".. hey hey.. easy on the wings!!" takes another drink and almost falls over, going to his knees

She falls along with him, unto his back, her arms over his shoulders, her head beside his. She laughed again. "What's with these wings? So dark . . ." she traced the line of one wing with her finger.

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