Chapter 4: Confusion

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He sighed, having undone her skirt but not gotten it off "... knew this would happen.. " He kissed her lips lightly, the drunk half of him wanting to take advantage of this but he gently lay her down and curdled up with her

She lay against him, lost in the land of dreams . . . unconsciously, she reached an arm over him and pulled him close to her. By the dim light from the window, running over her once and highlighting her fair face, she slept through the night

He gently caressed her body while she slept, laying kisses on her bear chest and tummy. He purred softly and fell asleep halfway through the night

The light from the skies poured into the window signaling the start of a new day, It ran over Usagi's eyes and stayed there for a long time until the sting of the light awakened her. She groaned and sat up, rubbing her aching head. Where was she? She looked about her and immediately drew the covers to cover her almost naked body. "WHA . . " she soon spotted Jess on the bed, still asleep. The sight of him was too much to bear on her innocent mind. She screamed. She pulled the rest of the covers, including those under Jess and in the process, made his body turn and roll of the bed in a loud thump to the floor below

He groaned and sat up looking around holding his head ".. ow.. why did you do that Usagi? " he looked to her, only wearing a pair of jeans " he slowly stood and stretched looking to her with his light blue and silver eyes, folding his wings to his back after stretching

She stared at him and shouted, "WHAT HAPPENED HERE, JESS!!!????" She remembered the wings so it didn't surprised her, she remembered some of their conversation but she could not remember the rest.

".. woah woah calm down darlin.." he sat on the bed and kissed her gently ".. nothing.. we had a bit too much to drink.." he kissed her lightly again and looked to her

She didn't kiss back. "TO . . to drink? Tha . . that vodka . ." her eyes were very wide as she looked at him,

".. I tried to warn you.." He noticed she didn’t kiss back and sighed, getting up and putting a shirt on "... ill give you some privacy..."

She was once again on the verge of tears. "I don't even know where my clothes are! How could you do this to ME!!!???" she was wailing.” No one will ever love me!!!???"

He looked over his shoulder "... why do you say that..? I didn’t do anything to you... and your wearing your skirt here’s your shirt ". hands it to her "... I’m getting a dam drink..." He growled lightly and walked out, shutting the door "... I loved you...” he walked away knowing she couldn’t hear him and went to the bar upset she got mad and blamed him when nothing even happened

She watched him slam the door. She hastily put on the shirt and faced herself on the mirror; there were traces of tears around her face. "What have you done, Usagi??? What will the others say??? What will Mamuro say???" She thought of what Jess said. "Maybe he really did not do anything to me . . . maybe . . ." She opened the door and got out. Though still upset, she joined him at the bar.

Jess looked to her and then to the glass half empty of the strong liquid and filled it up, drinking more of it he didn’t say anything his dark eyes watching the glass, his mind wandering to the events last night and how to get out of this now to him accursed castle

Usagi didn't speak to him but now realizing how bad alcoholic drink is, she said, "You should stop drinking that."

He glanced at her and then it "... I’m not the one that went over board...” he set the glass down and walked to where his cloak and blade were, picking them up "... either way... if you will excuse me... I think it best I leave this place before I become even more attached.. sides... ill not be the blame of anything... “he grunted and walked out towards where the crash had been that night. he was bothered by how loving she had been then how she turned out in the morning "... there has to be an exit on a lower floor...”

She stood speechless, not understanding his coldness to her. She should be the one angry but she found to her complete disbelief that he was the one being angry. The thought bothered her much more than necessary. She followed him. "I don't see any reason for you to be upset or even angry. I didn't do anything to you! I'm the one being taken advantage of here!"

"And don't go that way, there might be a monster somewhere there . . .” she added afterwards.

He stopped and looked back "being used??? you? don’t make me laugh... you were the one all over me... I thought for once maybe I would be happy but I see I was wrong.. it was all the alcohol wasn’t it..? nothing you said or did was real was it..? you like toying with people? if so don’t expect to be accepted by people well...” he growled lowly and walked into the dark hallway

"What are you saying!? How dare you . . .” she realized that they were heading the dark hallway. "I . . . I told you not to go in there!" she grabbed his arm just as the darkness enveloped them.

He pulled away "... let me go... I’m tired of being toyed with... go back and find your friends... ill find my own way...” he growled not caring what he ran into but unlike her he could see where he was going in the dark one of the bonuses of being a shadow angel

The sound they heard yesterday turned out to be a suit of armor. Usagi tripped over it, lost her balance. and fell into Jess. Just beyond where the suit of armor lay was a staircase leading beneath the floor. Usagi made Jess lose his balance and together they fell into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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