Part Three

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It was late morning and Robert had already gotten in a run, attended a virtual NA meeting and showered before heading to the kitchen to make a late breakfast. Last night had been one of the highlights of his life and he knew his wife had to be exhausted after all the work it took to pull that off. He wanted her to sleep in and get the extra rest she needed. They had no work or other commitments for the next few days so that took the pressure off. They could just enjoy being together for the first time in a long time.

Andy smiled coming out of her sleep. She stretched a bit, her body deliciously sore from the night before. Reaching out next to her she was greeted with cool sheets. Clearly Robert had been up a while. She opened her eyes and let herself adjust to the light, her focus zeroing in on the sparkly diamond wedding set on her hand. The smile on her face was instant and she breathed in a deeply savoring the moment. It felt almost sinful to feel this good and be so happy. Andy made her way out of bed, brushed her teeth, threw on a pair of shorts and a v-neck t-shirt . She and Robert hadn't discussed plans for the day but she hoped he didn't have anything in mind that involved putting on real clothes. Making her way downstairs and into the kitchen, she found her husband cutting fruit. "You let me sleep so late," she said, sliding an arm around his waist and leaning in for a kiss.

"You needed it. Especially knowing how you've been spending your off days. Last night was amazing, but it had to have been a ton of work," Robert replied.

"Totally worth it," Andy said, kissing her husband again and making her way over to the coffee pot. She grabbed a handful of berries from the counter and appreciated the spread her husband had prepared.

"What do you want to do today?" He inquired. Knowing his only plan was to be connected at the hip with his wife. 

With a little sleep still in her eyes Andy happily replied. "Things that don't require pants."

Robert laughed. "That can be arranged." They shared a flirtatious look.

"Honestly...." Andy said as she took a seat at the bar, coffee in hand. "We just spent months keeping it "professional" on shift and exchanging I miss you texts on days off.  I want nothing more than to spend the next few days annoyingly close to you. You'll be sick of me by the time the week is over." With her wedding set sparkling in the light, she batted her gorgeous long lashes at him and sipped her coffee.

Robert smiled gently, "Impossible." He moved around the island and planted a kiss on her lips. "I happen to love the idea of doing absolutely nothing with you today. You'll need to pack a bag later though." He mentioned casually and waited for Andy's response.

Setting down her coffee. "Robert, no. Today I'm unpacking. I just want to be settled back in." Andy couldn't help the slight whine in her voice.

"So I should cancel our weekend away?" Robert pretended to hem and haw, "I mean it's late notice...but I could probably get the deposit..."

Interrupting him, Andy couldn't help the cheesy smile that crossed her face. "You're taking me away?" Her face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, totally leaving behind her earlier protests, "Do I get any hints?"

Robert's eyes twinkled as he gave his wife a smile. "Bring a swimsuit."

A little while later, the happy couple sat down for brunch. "This looks amazing. Thank you." Andy said with a smile.

"You deserve it. Last night was incredible. I still don't know how you pulled it off without me knowing...I just thought you were trying to keep busy on your days off." Robert said with a laugh.

"Well, I had a lot of help. Maya, Vic and the rest of 19 helped me with all sorts of projects and details. And it was definitely good to have something of that size to focus on."

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