Tennis Captain,

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"katsumi! Ryuko!" mako exclaims causing us to jump looking for danger, "we're gonna be late! And if that happens we'll be expelled!" she exclaims while rushing her breakfast down and changing,

"huh?" I mumble sluggishly and change from the pajamas Mrs makanshouku gave me, it was a little tight but I didn't mind,

We headed up the hill and mako was still rushing us, so we sighed running with her, the trolly was empty so both ryuko and I sluggishly hop on, I leaned on the side of the trolly looking over the city,

"there's a huge difference between the Rich and poor here, huh?" I ask looking over at the two, "well the city is ruled by lady satsuki, the higher ranked students get their own residential areas while we get the slums," mako exclaims simply while smiling,

"your ranking in school determineds where you live?" ryuko asks her confused, "mmhm! Pretty straight forward!" she grins happily,

"that sucks," I Mumble while looking back down at the city, it was a while for the trolly to hit the top, why would they build the academy on the highest hill?

We got off and walked towards the entrance, I place my hands in my skirt pockets yawning tiredly,

" what?! Your skirt has pockets?!" ryuko shouts at me, I smirk "Cause I'm awesome," winking I turn toward the school closing my eyes,

"oh! And mom said that if you-" she gets cut off by multiple tennie balls hitting the side of her face, "if you don't have-" hit again, "a place to stay-" it looks like it hurt alot,ryuko and I sweat drop, "with us, she's already-" her face looked swollen, "filled out the paper work!" she beams as the tennis balls stop and her face was bruised badly,

"I don't think this is a time to worry about living arrangements," ryuko says I turn towards the person doing it, "the fucks your problem?" I ask gritting my teeth,

"your the two girl that disrespected lady satsuki," she states narrowing her eyes, "I'm the captain of the girls tennis club, hakodate omiko!" she grins posing,

"so why don't you stay out of this?" asking she rolls her eyes, I smirk folding my arms, "whats the fun in that?" I ask tilting my head, "member makanshouku mako has failed to come to practice yesterday, as one of her obligations, she will be purged as punishment," she explains a creepy smile spread on her face,

"our rule is for anyone who fails to come to practice must face the one million cannon ball serve, a pair of outsiders has no business with club regulations," she closed her eyes and looked away, her little minions got ready the tennis ball cannon,

"mako was held hostage by that psycho yesterday! Of course she didn't go to your stupid practice!" ryuko shouts at her irritated,

"she was taken hostage without permission, begin!" she demands and ryuko held her metal case in front of us so we didn't get hit, "your logic is fucked!" I yell from behind the case growling,

"mako go ahead! You'll be expelled if your late again, right!" ryuko yells over the battering of tennis balls, "yep! Thanks katsumi! Ryuko!" mako exclaims happily before running into the school,

The tennis balls stop and we look to her annoyed, "you two will be taking her place?" hakodate asks smirking,

"I thought that was obvious?" asking I run my hands through my hair, "we do owe her and her family for food and a bed," ryuko grin turning to me nodding I smile,

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