Tennis Captain:two

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Ryuko and I strolled into the school after changing, we looked around in order to find hakodate, she was no where in sight,

Mako wasn't around either, we stumbled passed the gym, I heard yelling and demand which caught my attention, "ryu," I say stopping her and look in the door seeing them practicing,

"found the bastered," ryuko growls seeing the captain herself with sanageyama he was smirking, I walked in placing my hands behind my head,

"katsumi! Ryuko!" mako exclaims from a pole, she was tied up as members repeadly hit her with tennis balls, I cut her restraints while ryuko blocked the tennis balls,

"ah, the new students.." sanageyama states while I look over boredily and place my hands behind my head, "so you came back?" hakodate states turning her attention to us, we smirk in sync,

"come for another beating?" she cockily grins playing with a tennis ball, "high hopes there ball lady," I mumble leaning back, "yeah! We're going to take your asses down!" ryuko exclaims,

"let's go senkentsu/Isao!"

I raise my hand in front of my face and pull the sting on the device mikisugi gave us, alot of pain coursed through my vains, we both pant from blood loss as we transformed, "that looked both painful and embarrassing, you masochistic exhibitionist," she shouts at us,

"bite me!" ryuko yells back at her, I shrug not really caring "whatever, we came here to fight, not talk," I move hair out of my face with closed eyes, "quit splitting hairs, one million serve!" she exclaims as her and her lackeys fire tennis balls at us,

Ryuko and I cut through them perfectly leaving a big smirk on our faces, she growls squeezing a tennis ball tightly, "foul," sanageyama calls causing us to look at him confused,

"huh?" humming I look to him confused, he faintly flustered "t.. True you were able to avoid hakodate s attacks but cutting balls in half is against the rules so you may have won the fight, you lost the match," he explains smirking,

"oh I get it," I say smiling, "because we're on a tennis court and fighting the captain, we have to beat her at her own game," I simply state for ryuko, she grew frustrated, "that's right," he smirks smug,

"stupid rule if you ask me," I say closing my eyes, causing him and everyone but mako and ryu to sweat drop or stun,

"I mean.. We were fighting yesterday, and if I'm not mistaken, sanageyama, ryuko and I weren't challenged nor were we challenging hakodate to a game, we challenged her to a fight," I say opening my eyes seeing he's reaction, "so why dose the rules matter now?" I whine seductively, he blushed beep red and looked away,

Ryuko and mako looked at me wide eyed, "b.. But that's the fair game, if you beat.. Hakodate at a tennis match you... Get to distroy her guko uniform.." he mumbles sheepishly,

"okay fine, I'll beat her ass," ryuko says smirking, I look to her grinning, "are you challenging me?" hakodate asks smirking, "how hard could it be," ryuko smirks as mako passes her a racket,

"ryuko and katsumi could beat hakodate at tennis! They are amazing!" mako exclaims suddenly going on a tangent about how we won in friendship, I chuckle and pat her head "thanks mako," she beams and hugs me,

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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