"I love theatre!"

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After about 15 minutes, I finally arrived. It was beautiful. I couldn't wait to start business. The driver unlocked the door and I opened my door and stepped out. "Thank you, sir!" I said as I shut the door. I took a deep breath and smelt something hot and delicious, coffee! There was a bakery near my flower shop! It was called, Schmackary's Bakery! I'm definitely gonna go there soon. I turn and look to my right and see the Winter Garden, I gasped. I love theatre! I see some guy randomly vlogging as he showed off the outside of the theatre, he was recording something but I was too far away. The show said "School of Rock". I went to my flower shop and went upstairs and put everything in my room but I kept my laptop. I went back downstairs and went back out, locking the door behind me. I went to the bakery and ordered a coffee and sat down at my table. I opened my laptop and I looked up tickets for SOR. They were cheap, at least for me. I ordered some for tomorrow. The waiter came and gave me my coffee. "Thank you" "You're welcome!" I took a sip of my drink. A few minutes go by and I'm finished, so I get up and leave. I go back to my shop and up into my apartment and start hanging up my clothes. I finish that in an hour and I put my bed together, my dad was a very crafty man, so I learned my putting-stuff-together skill from him. I took a deep breath and laid down. I covered up and took out my phone and set an alarm for 8:30 and fell asleep.
The next morning
My alarm went off nice and loud and I woke up "I would hit snooze on this bitch but I have a musical to get to" I mumbled. I got up and took a nice hot shower. I got out and dried off, which is my least favorite part. I then put my clothes on. I decided to put on a casual dress. I also went against my wheel and did my make up, which I only do for special occasions. I curled my hair and put on light jewelry. I looked in the mirror, "Okay (Y/N) I see you. Pop off bitch." I giggled and got my purse. I checked the time. "Oh shit!"

A New Life (Alex Brightman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now