Chapter One

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Looking up at the dark sky with its overcast clouds and distanced threat of thunder beyond the tall buildings, it seemed that a storm was coming. A big one.

Sighing, I picked up the pace as I hurried down the street, satchel clutched close to my side as a fair few people walked past and along side me. A few weeks ago, a woman being robbed in broad daylight around here was unheard of, but after recent events, you'd be lucky if being robbed was all that happened.

After the day I'd had, I definitely didn't need to add anything that bad.

Despite the issue having had nothing to do with me, it was apparently my fault that the interview scheduled this afternoon with the current number two hero had been cancelled because of all of the commotion last week. Whilst my manager hadn't said this to me in as many words, they'd been in a bad mood ever since I clocked in, patronising me and giving me a lot of harder and much longer tasks to do today. They didn't even acknowledge the two hour overtime I'd worked today, let alone the other extra hours I'd already done this week to help with all of the extra news coverage, which meant today was another two hours of my life I'd wasted and wouldn't get paid for.

I really needed to start saying 'no' more.

All I wanted to do now was get back to my cheap little apartment on the other side of town, get into my pyjamas and have some warm food. I also wanted to work on the article I'd been writing for my online blog about the recent revelations regarding the current number one hero, Endeavour.

After everything that had come to light recently, I didn't see him staying number one very long. Even a scandal such as this would have ruined All Might's career, and in most people's eyes that man could do no wrong. Then you had the undercover situation involving Hawks, the very many who had cancelled this morning. Popular heroes were becoming everything but popular.

Just as I was just about to step out into the road to cross over, I was suddenly tackled to the ground, winding me. Screeching, I panic shut my eyes in fear as the person who'd grabbed me wrapped their arms around me protectively to shield me as we crashed hard into the pavement. Despite the person's protective efforts, the force of hitting such a sturdy surface was painful, and the sudden impact didn't allow my quirk enough time to alert my body to transform. We were still for a moment, the initial pain and whiplash beginning to settle, when I opened my eyes. I was being held by a blonde haired teenager in what seemed to be a white and blue hero costume with a cape.

I instantly recognised the kid as a student from UA, and to be even more precise, one of the students who had interned at the Nighteye Agency.

He'd also been involved in the fight last week.

What was he doing here?

"Please!" He said, getting to his feet and pulling me up to mine quickly. He put his hands on the outsides of my arms and looked up at me with a serious expression. "Please get yourself to safety and call the authorities when you can!"

Speechless, I stared at the boy in confusion, blinking at him in disbelief. Then I lifted my gaze and focused on the commotion now occurring behind him. Explosions, fire, ice, and smoke were erupting in waves as various people engaged in quite violent hand to hand combat. Like the boy in front of me, I recognised some of the people as more students from UA, but at the same time also recognised some of the people they were fighting as some of the villains who'd had warrants released for their arrests.

Oh shit.

"Miss, please!"

I snapped my attention back to the boy, this time nodding in understanding. He nodded back only once but waited until I turned on my heels running before returning to the fight behind him.

I ran as fast as I could, the noise behind me only getting louder even though I was running away from it all. Almost falling a few times due to my small kitten heels, I bent down to pull them off and ran full speed in my tights, the sound of my feet slapping against the concrete. Other people were now running too, clearly aware of the fight brewing. People were screaming, crying and some were even frozen in place as if unable to move. I almost stopped to help someone before remembering why I had chosen not to become a hero and kept on running.

Before, a fight like this was treated almost like street entertainment, however with everything that had happened in the last month, safety wasn't a certainty, and a lot of people's faith in heroes had been thoroughly shaken.

"AH!" Someone screamed near me, snapping my attention to them just in time to notice a car being hurdled our way. The person jumped out of the way of the flying vehicle, but from where I was, I knew I wouldn't be able to jump far enough out of the crash zone. Thankful for the person's scream giving me a moment's notice, I braced my position with my arms crossed in front of my head as I felt my body harden instantly into tungsten. The person screamed again, this time in fear for my life, but I bared my ground and my body took the full impact of the car. It was sliced into two around me, the two parts crashing either side of me.

Looking up, my blazer and shirt were now torn and shredded, my hair dishevelled, but my body remained unharmed as it returned to its regular human state. The woman who'd screamed looked at me in horror before running away. I rolled my eyes.

I tried seeking out what had caused the car to fly, but no one stood in the origin direction. Regardless, I needed to get out of here before it was too late.

It seemed that the direction opposite of the fight- which was now in full swing- wasn't safe either if cars were being thrown around, so I quickly ran down an alleyway beside a now empty café and hid behind the large dumpsters, sinking to the ground beside it to best hide myself. Here I could catch my breath, figure out my next plan of action, and also try and call someone to get assistance like the boy had told me to. Just because he was a kid didn't mean I'd ignore him- he risked his life protecting me, regardless of his age.

I pulled my satchel around my side and dug into it for my phone, however when my fingers came across a shattered screen, my hopes sunk. I may have been indestructible against a car, but a smartphone was not.

No phone- now what?

"Please, leave me alone!"

Heavy and fast footsteps began nearing my secret location, alongside extreme panting. A man running then came into my view, his face struck with horror as he looked back behind him in fear. When he saw this alleyway lead to a dead-end, he screamed and turned back around, looking at someone approaching him.

"Please, don't hurt me!" the terrified man pleaded, dropping to his knees and begging. He hadn't noticed me yet due to being so frantic, but from where I was, I could clearly see him. He was crying now. "You have the wrong guy!"

Another set of footsteps grew closer, and then a new figure appeared. Tall and lean, with white hair and some sort of ripped trench coat. No, not ripped- scorched, like it had been recently burnt.

The new figure chucked and raised his hand, blue flames illuminating the shadows of the dark alleyway.

If my gut feeling was correct, I needed to get out of here- now!

The man had now started crying and begging to be spared whilst the villain started muttering something at him. I'd stopped paying attention to them and was trying to figure out how to escape before they noticed me, because staying here, whilst it may have worked, was still too risky. Even running wasn't secure, but at least I'd die trying.

Just as I was about to leg it, the begging man let out a blood curdling scream. I turned instinctively to the sound, immediately regretting it as I watched the man become encased in blue flames, melting his skin, and causing a revolting smell to fill my nostrils. Before I could stop myself, I retched from the revolting smell of burning flesh.

The villain now spun round to look directly at me with his vivid turquoise eyes, almost surprised he hadn't sensed me earlier. His eyes narrowed as the flames of the burning body illuminated his features, confirming my fears when I saw the patchwork stapled purple skin covering the villains lower face and neck.

This was the first time I'd seen this villain in person, but I recognised him from the recent ground-breaking broadcast. Endeavour's seemingly dead son, Touya Todoroki, was here. The blue fire cremation villain Dabi was staring directly at me.

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