Chapter Five

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I emerged from the fog first, however Dabi wasn't that far behind because the moment my foot stepped onto the dark oak wood floor of the room we'd portaled into, I felt his fingers grasp the back of my dress, as if to stop me from running off.

Or keep me close to him.

I looked back at him confused, but he didn't even meet my gaze and instantly let go of be before he breezed right past me for the room door. My eyes trailed after his long black coat.

Quickly looking around, I realised we were in a bedroom, one with very little character and just enough furniture to even earn the title of bedroom; all that was here was a small wardrobe, bedside table with a little lamp, and surprisingly a double bed.

Dabi dropped my bag onto the bed then reached for the door handle. When I went to follow, be he turned his head he shot me a stern glare.

"Stay here. I'll be back in a bit," he warned, opening the door to give me a peek of what lay beyond this room. I only managed to catch a glimpse of it, but the walls outside seemed to be made of large cobblestone with dim lighting. Where the hell were we?

"Don't bother escaping, you won't get very far."

With that, he shut the door behind him, followed by the sound of locking it afterwards.

Fuck's sake.

I was still for a moment, waiting to hear his footsteps retreat to make sure he wasn't simply testing my eagerness.

However, when the began to fade away, I immediately sprang into action. I didn't even bother trying the door, too obvious, and went straight to the wall the door was on, knocking along it to find weak spots in the infrastructure. When Dabi had held the door open momentarily, it looked to be made of a thicker wood than that of regular Japanese doors, so trying to damage that would have cost more energy that I had to spare right now. After freezing Dabi's hand earlier, I'd exhausted the energy I'd recovered from sleeping and didn't have enough for more than two more transformations. It had been a long time since I'd needed to transform so many times in one day, and the lack of training was putting me at a major disadvantage now.

Maybe I shouldn't have given up on my training when I did.

I shook my head. I didn't have time to be having regrets or doubts- I had no idea I'd be in such a predicament now, and no matter if I'd continued training or not, I was here and had to make use of what I had.

I kept knocking along the wall until I found a spot where it sounded louder than the rest, just behind the wardrobe. I went to work quickly pulling it away from the wall whilst being as quiet as I could just in case anyone was keeping guard outside. With it being cheap, it wasn't very hard to budge it. When I pulled it away, I was relieved to find a sealed-up fireplace, meaning this part of the wall would be easy to bust through given that it was only two thin layers.

I pushed the locks of hair that were in my face behind me and braced myself, mustering up the energy I needed for not only this transformation, but the force needed to make it effective against the wall.

"You are tough," I told myself, shifting my weight between my feet. I took a deep breath and remembered what my Dad had always told me.

"You can be anything you want to be, Ren."

When I looked down and saw my arms had turned into steel, I grinned. I steadied myself, working out the best angle and then crouched.

I had one shot at this, not really knowing what I'd be going into. I had to be quick.

Chemical Resistance (Dabi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now