Chapter Two

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They say when you stare death in the face, time feels like its standing still.

I can now say that is completely true.

It honestly felt like hours that I crouched beside that dumpster, staring at the wearer of that dark blue scuffed coat hanging around his frame, the dirt marked white V-neck shirt, and muddy black boots. However, I think I stared most at his skin.

It was even worse in person.

Wrinkled and on the precipice of rotting, attached to living skin with actual staples, it was hard to look at Dabi and not acknowledge that he was essentially a living zombie.

How was he even alive?

Yet saying that, how was any of this really possible?

Heroes, villains, quirks? This used to be a work of fiction at one point in history, and now it was my very real life.

I was frozen in place, unable to move even as he took a warning step towards me, almost as if to test what my next actions would be and assess me. When I didn't move, he rolled his heavy hooded eyelids.

"And here I thought you were going to be fun," he smirked, just before lowering his gaze to the part of the floor I was occupying. His hands become doused with his blue violent flames, fear causing my body to become even more cemented in place.

I was going to die.

"It's nothing personal," Dabi said to me, shrugging as his flames swiftly ran down his arms to his body, legs and to the floor, then steadily spreading towards me. "But I was ordered to leave no witnesses."

The fire reached my feet in less than a second as I screamed, raising my hands to shield my face. The flames began igniting my shoes, tights, and scorching my checked skirt and blazer. Dabi smiled sinisterly as his fire began consuming my being, clothes turning to ash, bag disintegrating.

That was until the flames stopped.

"Well," he mused, shifting his weight to rest his hands on his hips. "I wasn't expecting that."

Lowering my arms, tatters of burnt clothes fell from my titanium arms to the ground, burning away completely before hitting the concrete. There I was, unscathed, untouched, unharmed. Even I looked at myself in disbelief- I hadn't trained in so long I didn't think my quirk would have been able to react so fast to his attack, and nonetheless with such a high-powered transformation.

"Titanium," Dabi announced, reaching his hands behind his head as he watched me slowly get to my feet and stand. "One of the few metals that can withstand the heat of my flames."

Thankfully, he'd stopped his flames instead of letting them burn up all the flammable materials on my body, since my bra and most of my shorts I'd been wearing underneath my skirt above my tights were still intact. I clenched my fists and stared at the villain straight on.

"Every quirk has its weakness," I told him confidently, narrowing my eyes. I knew I had a small chance of getting out of here alive, so I needed to make sure I came across as a strong-willed opponent to fend him off. I knew my quirk wouldn't be able to withstand many more high energy transformations, especially against someone extremely powerful like Dabi. Not having trained properly in years meant I was rusty, but he wasn't aware of that. As long as I came across confident, he'd suspect nothing less.

"I've not seen you before," he said after a few moments, pressing his thumb and forefinger to his temples and rubbing them. "But dressed like that, or at least before I burnt most of your attire off, I assume you aren't some hero?"

Chemical Resistance (Dabi x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ