The overthinking legends!

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Hey there!
Hello peeps!!!◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
I welcome all the overthinking peeps to this part!⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

The overthinking peeps are legendary creators! They are creative masters (*❛‿❛) !! They can create their own world of dreams and nightmares:!:
And yes I am also one of you!!!!
Overthinking is something indulged in blood which we can't seperate 😂
The overthinking peeps can even sit for hours without phones and think about logic less things and dream in their own world 😴🌍.
There are some overthinking legend who imagine their own conditions of illness and death 😂💀! And there are some who just think something which is not going to happen and they continue thinking for their self-satisfaction!there is an unsaid truth "if imagination is an art then overthinking peeps are picaso of it"!!!

And here comes the second batch of overthinking peeps--these people starts their hobby of overthinking when a small happiness or sadness happen to them!!!
If something make them happy they over imagine it  and gets more happier at the same time if something make them unhappy again they start over imagining and make the condition even worse!!!!

Always our elders have said think twice before doing something...but overthinking peeps think thousand times in different angles 😂!!

Sometimes overthinking also leads to mental illness!!! Dreaming about the future and worrying about the past and wasting the present is also a sort of mental illness we undergo!
( ・ั﹏・ั)

So let's start working on the present and hope for a good future!
  Always think in postive way and live in good Vibes!

Dedicating this to all the overthinking peeps!!




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