Chapter 3

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The ride in the dragon's claws after the initial shock was pretty easy going and calm. It didn't squish my stomach with its claws or anything, just kept me firmly in its grasp so I didn't wiggle out of its hands. I yawned as the wind pushed my hair out of my face and for once I couldn't help but feel tired in the mitts of danger. I looked up at the dragon, its eyes seemed dead set on something but no matter where I looked...there was nothing to see but dawn blue skies and golden clouds.

"Hey! Where are we going?..If you're going to kill me just do it now!" I yelled up at the beast, slightly annoyed by my prolonged death.

Do you truly seek death? Or just a way out of a bad hand of life.

I looked around, confused by the voice again. I must be going insane if I am hearing voices in my head constantly...Goodness I am. I groaned to myself and laid my head against the dragon's claws, just laying there because at this point death was just that. Death. And If I live, then that means something worse was on the way, so why bother asking a dragon where the fuck I was going.

My goodness you have on pessimistic mindset.

That damned voice...shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

Hmmm how bout no girly. After all, you're the one who accepted your change of fate.

I was about to tear my hair out when the dragon roared out and dove down at full speed. I screamed at the sudden drop and clung to the claws as tight as I could. The clouds were going by in bright gold and white flashes, water whipped at my face as we shot through them and the sun blinded me as we were coasting right above the treeline. I opened my eyes after taking a moment to adjust to the bright light and stared in awe at the beauty I was beholding. 

A vast lushus woodland filled with trees and beautiful cliff sides. Hawks flew alongside the dragons massive form and the sound of the woods muse filled my ears. Birds cawing, game rushing alongside rivers..The sound of a waterfall cascading down into a large pool of water below. My hands eased its grip on the claws of the dragon as I watched the beauty pass me by. Up ahead, I saw a large castle made of white with spirals that reached towards the sky. It laid nestled in a mountain with golden peaks at the tips of the towers. 

I took in as much as I can, just simply blinded by the beautiful scene in front of me. My heart beat had finally calmed before the voice spoke once more, this time, giving me something that was a conversation ender.

Reach the palace. Good luck with your fate.

I looked up at the dragon, confused by the voices instructions. As soon as I had looked back down at the claws of the dragon, they released me and I began falling down to the ground below. My screams echoed throughout the woodlands as I fell into trees and bounced off them like a ping pong ball on a table. Each hit made me grunt and gasp for breath till I fell into a pond of water.

A few moments of shock later and I was bursting through the water's surface, coughing up the water I had inhaled during my fantic moments. I whined softly as I swam to the edge of the pond, gripping my sore bruised body.

"Fucking dragon..." I glared up towards the sky as the shape of the dragon disappeared along the treelines. 

It was..difficult to say the least when it came to pulling me out of the waters, but I did it regardless and looked at my surroundings. 


Just endless trees with some large boulders and bushes. My face turned an angry red as I grabbed a large stick and through it into the pond, saying a slew of curses that would make a sailor blush. A few stone and stick throwing later, I was still red in the face, but marching in the direction I thought the palace to be in. My clothes were drenched and I was shivering from the cold water.

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